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difference being a project member vs shared file

  • 1.  difference being a project member vs shared file

    Posted 05-26-2024 23:48

    I'm a bit confused between the differences being a member in Trimble connect project vs a person being shared a file in Trimble connect. If I have understood correctly, a project member with read access can view and download all the files in a project, but if the file has been shared, you can only view the file within the project? 

    Also, if someone outside my organization is added as a member to a project, they don't need their own Trimble license, but if the file is shared the user will need their own license and Trimble ID? 

    In this case, my organization has the required Trimble licenses, and we would like our client to see our models in Connect to view how our engineering works are going. But we wouldn't like the client to be able to download the files we have upload to the connect project. 

    Please could you a bit more elaborate the difference being a project member and file sharing and what is required as the license point of view from the client, thank you. 

    Tomi Jokiranta