Hey Grzegorz,
I don't think this is something that Trimble really supports or wants its end users doing for several reasons.
The proper steps are to submit this to your dealer and we can get the antennas added into the next ini update (usually once a month).
That being said, I know some advanced users out there that understand the correct coding, etc and are able to add antennas to be used in TBC. They normally need to make a separate copy of this as once the update goes through with Trimble it will replace that file (this is why its best to get added through your support portal). I don't think this is something that Trimble supports though.
I've sent an email to the engineers just to confirm the above and get their thoughts. In the meantime if there is any antennas that you need or want to see added to the file you can send the details and I'll push over to the correct team to get them added in the next update.
Shane Lyons
Shane Lyons
Original Message:
Sent: 04-29-2021 08:41
From: Grzegorz Nykiel
Subject: How a add GNSS models and antenna models in TBC
Hi Shane,
is there any way to manually add antenna into the ini file? I found out that in NGS antex files there are calibrations for a long time which are not available in TBC.
Maybe there is some tool which can convert .atx files into Antenna.ini? or maybe can you share specification of this file as well as .pct or .ngs files?
Grzegorz Nykiel
Original Message:
Sent: 04-19-2021 17:21
From: Shane Lyons
Subject: How a add GNSS models and antenna models in TBC
Hey Frank,
If you can provide the antenna details I'll push this over to the TBC team to have it added in the next antenna ini file update.
Shane Lyons
Shane Lyons
Original Message:
Sent: 04-18-2021 22:43
From: Frank Li
Subject: How a add GNSS models and antenna models in TBC
Hello TBC Team,
I was wondering is there any way to create customized GNSS model and antenna model in TBC? Our device has been calibrated on NGS but still cannot find in TBC.
Is there any possible to add models? Thanks for your kindly help in advance:)
Frank Li