For me also, this is a big problem. I cannot compare my view, with or without a certain model. This is one of the main reasons I prefer the (free) BimCollabZoom-app over Trimble Connect.
But... I do like Trimble Connect in many other functionalities.
So, if there is a way to disable the automatic extended zoom.... I would love to hear of it.
Markus Bos
Original Message:
Sent: 11-10-2020 03:00
From: Content Manager
Subject: How to disable automatic extended zoom when making visible a model ?
Hello, when I visit a model area in your viewer, I can make the models invisible one by one, it is very convenient. But as soon as I activate the visibility of a model, the extended zoom automatically activates and I have to re-zoom in on the area. Why ?
So please, how to disable automatic extended zoom when making visible a model ?