And do not update from any template field during import in this case.
Thorsten Jourdan-Balthasar
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2023 01:40
From: Stuart Jones
Subject: Large data changes
Hi Thorsten,
Thank you for the feedback. I found the following to be the minimum fields for export / import.
Activity IDentifier | Parent ID | Sub-Project ID | | Name | | Activity template name | Sub-Project ID |
Stuart Jones
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2023 01:31
From: Thorsten Jourdan-Balthasar
Subject: Large data changes
Hi Stuart,
yes, in fact the import behaviour has slightly changed during recent updates (11.1Mr3 and 11.1 MR4) .This is connected to the enhanced data assignment from the template coming in this versions.
1. template reallocation: Please consider this as a bug. It is already known and addressed. Workaround: Add the Template to the Export fields in Step 1. During import do not assigne any fields from template.
2. parent data allocation: As to my knowledge this is no bug and has been ever since Version 10. Same solution: Add the Parent-Id to the Export in Step1. Then also import the Parent ID.
3. sub-project allocation: As to my knowledge this is no bug and has been ever since Version 10. Same solution: Add the Sub-project-Id to the Export in Step1. Then also import the sub-project-ID. (This is happening if you have more than one subproject only).
Good Luck.
Thorsten Jourdan-Balthasar
Original Message:
Sent: 10-05-2023 04:35
From: Stuart Jones
Subject: Large data changes
Hi All,
I am having trouble with making large changes to activities when export via text clipboard and reimporting.
When exporting only
- ID, Name, Text1 to make changes to Text 1 field.
A number of issues occur on reimport.
- template reallocation, parent data allocation deletion, sub-project information being re-allocated.
Is this a bug? This method worked in previous versions.
Stuart Jones