Original Message:
Sent: 6/19/2024 6:54:00 AM
From: Ankit Sulodia
Subject: RE: Limited Projects with Trimble Connect Business Account
Hi Mark,
I am Ankit Sulodia from Trimble Connect Support
I have tried searching and couldn't find any case in our ticketing system with your email or using the subject of this post
Could you please confirm the email using which Connect Support was contacted or send us the email again at connect-support@trimble.com
Ankit Sulodia
Original Message:
Sent: 06-19-2024 03:06
From: Mark Pain
Subject: Limited Projects with Trimble Connect Business Account
Hi Darshan, I have still not been contacted by Trimble connect support teams, despite opening two forms on the link provided and contacting them via Linkedin. Is the normal level of customer service we should expect? I have paid for a licence and have not had the ability to use it for a week now. What can I do to escalate this??
Mark Pain
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 22:45
From: Darshan Rajaram Kamat
Subject: Limited Projects with Trimble Connect Business Account
Hi Mark,
Could you please send details of how you were assigned the Connect Business license - to our Support team (connect-support@trimble.com) . Our team will investigate and get back.
Darshan Rajaram Kamat
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 07:17
From: Mark Pain
Subject: Limited Projects with Trimble Connect Business Account
I have a Business account for Trimble connect, but cannot add another project (currently have 25 projects). Tried signing out and back in with the same results.
Mark Pain