Hi Zack Edwards,
thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately you seem to have found a point where we didn't update our "Help".
I apologize for this.
We have erazed this setting.
Since 2020 we use a standard value of 1m for this.
I will update the help on this.
Thank you for making us aware.
Kind regards
Patrik Stahlhut
Original Message:
Sent: 10-10-2022 17:33
From: Zach Edwards
Subject: New Penmap for Android Version
Thanks Patrick. Can you advise to where the course/fine stakeout option is per the following help page:https://help.trimblegeospatial.com/PenmapForAndroid/en/Content/Stakeout.htm? It shows that it is under Application settings. I haven't ever seen it there.
Zach Edwards
Original Message:
Sent: 10-10-2022 04:13
From: Patrik Stahlhut
Subject: New Penmap for Android Version
We have released a new Penmap for Android version
This includes the following bugfixes:
Bug fixes
A download of a project which was already downloaded from Trimble Connect and is newer on Connect was not running correctly
Tectonic plate will be calculated automatically now based on current position for RTX time dependent transformation
RTX position calculation went wrong with Swiss CH 1903+ datum
Stake out distance values on "Outside Limits" dialog appear always in meters regardless if other distance units are selected.
minor bug fixes
Patrik Stahlhut