Hi Trent,
Thanks for the information, that makes sense. I have passed this on to the SiteVision team.
Mark Kellaway
Original Message:
Sent: 09-13-2024 06:25
From: Trent Walters
Subject: Northing and Easting in Trimble Mobile Manger
Hi Mark,
OK, thank you for letting me know. We use Sitevision and you can get the N, E, and Z of a point but you have to select it each time. I was looking for a way to just see "live" N, E, and Z as you move. Looking for a way to quickly walk a site to check rough grading elevations. Mobile manager shows a "Live" view in lat, long, and Z, but our CD's show N and E.
Thanks for your help.
| | Trent Walters Director of Continuous Improvement American Ramp Company | | | | |
Original Message:
Sent: 9/12/2024 9:52:00 PM
From: Mark Kellaway
Subject: RE: Northing and Easting in Trimble Mobile Manger
Hi Trent,
Trimble Mobile Manager doesn't support projected coordinate systems so is unable to provide positions in Northing and Easting. Interested to know your workflow to understand what you are trying to achieve.
Mark Kellaway
Original Message:
Sent: 09-12-2024 07:31
From: Trent Walters
Subject: Northing and Easting in Trimble Mobile Manger
In Trimble Mobile Manager on the Status page it shows your location in Lat and Long. Is it possible to instead display in Northing and Easting?
Trent Walters