thanks for sharing this information and picture from the device.
I assume that you are using Trimble Corrections hub as an correction service.
The blue colored satellite number indicates that you get a RTX solution.
Typically an RTX solution takes longer to get to a fixed position, even if the antenna tracks 21 satellites.
Please check the position status: Tab&hold on the GNSS button --> GNSS Position
Please get in touch with your local Trimble dealer.
He should be able to tell you what accuracy you can expect at your location and how long it typically takes to get it.
He can also check if there should be a VRS service available in your region.
Thomas Schucker
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2022 15:59
From: TAP Admin Maxam
Subject: Numerous satellites , poor accuracy
We are using both the DA1 and DA2 antenna on Android Devices, with on demand hours to the highest accuracy service. On numerous occassion and across the Australian continent we have issues where we have a large number of satellites ( see image) ad represented in a blue circle. The accuracy is quite poor and varies in this instance greater than 0.25m, with a supposed 0.01m accuracy service. Yes, it depends on location on the number of satellites and location, however in these locations we have got down to 0.1m accuracy ( horizontally) quickly. It also pops up a message relating to the RTX/ViaIP message. ( I did not capture this). Any info would be great, even any work arounds tricks etc.
TAP Admin Maxam