Hi Mark, Enzo,
thanks for asking.
We have fixed an issue using Catalyst DA2 with Trimble Corrections Hub in New Zealand with a new version Penmap version ( two weeks ago.
I am sorry that we don't have posted that within this thread so far.
The issue was that Penmap was not able to identify the right datum of the correction data. In New Zealand, normally, correction data is based on ITRF2014.
In almost all other countries correction data is based on the local datum. That's why the problem wasn't noticed right away.
If you are using DA1 or DA2 with Trimble Corrections hub, the right datum gets recognized now automatically.
We have also tested different correction services from New Zealand now.
The same is possible using a regular NTRIP caster, if the caster provides that information.
You can check that in the RTK correction data setup within Penmap.
Please reselect the stream and the screen should look like this:

Normally you should see the datum in which the correction data is delivered.
if not, then the caster does not provide this information and Penmap assumes the the data is in the same local datum.
Hope this helps.
Please let me know if you still see issues.
We apologize for the inconvenience.Thanks
Thomas Schucker
Original Message:
Sent: 12-11-2022 19:06
From: Enzo Liddle
Subject: NZGD2000 coordinate problem!
Hi, Has this been resolved? 4 different projects, all off by half a metre. and i didnt know why ( not a surveyor, hence catalyst ) . NZGD2000 Catalyst DA2 with pole . all in different parts of NZ . Its quite embarrasing. I will direct an enquiry to local Trimble as well, but it would be good to flag a response here, Thank you @Mark Peters!
Enzo Liddle
Original Message:
Sent: 10-05-2022 01:59
From: Thomas Schucker
Subject: NZGD2000 coordinate problem!
Hi Mark,
thanks for your detailed feedback.
You are using Penmap with Catalyst and I assume using Trimble Corrections Hub as a correction service.
Which antenna do you use, DA1 or DA2?
What type of solution do you get, RTK or RTX?
Please send us the project which you have used for further investigation.
Best would be to send it to your local dealer to create a support ticket.
Thomas Schucker
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2022 18:20
From: Mark Peters
Subject: NZGD2000 coordinate problem!
We have a problem in New Zealand, the New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 coordinate systems are in error by about 0.8m/0.9m in Penmap with Catalyst, they were within a few centimetres previously but since late 2021 or early 2022 when I suspect there must have been a new version or update of some kind the coordinates seem to in error by the magnitude of an ITRF offset which incidentally is about 0.8m/0.9m
I have undertaken a survey in January after a customer reported the offset, and again today when they again enquired about the problem, on both occassions January and today I was confirmed the offset error by staking out a LINZ control point close by. I measured offsets of dN= -0.577, dE = 0.679, compared to the known values of the point. I would suspect that either the offset between ITRF and NZGD2000 has not been applied, or it has been double applied? Can this please be investigated ASAP and rectified so that New Zealand Penmap users can once again enjoy positioning to within a few cm rather than having to carry out a calibration for every Project/Survey they do?
Mark Peters