This error,
Is not so much Pathfinder Office installation version as it is with either a stale base provider list (press UPDATE LIST), or more common, base stations that have "fallen off". Even with an updated list, CORS "come and go", and have numerous issues that cause there to be no base data during the time of your SSF collection. For best results "walk down", the list, from top (closest) and select each CORS, xxxxxxx. If the closest has no base data (the error in PFO is "unable to transfer files...", then walk down the list, selecting then next closest one. Here in AK, this may take you down several CORS until you find one that was collecting base files during your field session.
As with all CORS, ensure you ALWAYS if you are like the Federal Government, who must be in the latest reference frame, always check the upper box, which "holds" the NAD83 (2011) Epoch 2010 coordinates embedded in the rinex files.
And evaluate your process on survey control (in NAD83 (2011) Epoch 2010.0 to ensure on the final export, your not shifted from "truth".
Joel Cusick
GIS Specialist
Region 11 - Alaska Regional Office
240 W. Fifth Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99501-2327
cell:907 280-9724 wk:907 644-3549