Hi Matthew
We apologise for this. This is a known issue with the current release of TMM specific to the TDC650 and RTX
We're working on a fix with the highest priority
We will update the community when the fix is released
Tom Harrison
Original Message:
Sent: 12-06-2022 13:15
From: Matthew Tackett
Subject: TDC650 with RTX Subscription
I have Trimble Mobile Manager running on a TDC 650 and I am connected to the Integrated Receiver as the position source. FieldPoint License is active in TMM under the Hardware license. Our Decimeter Option is active and all receiver options installed and enabled in Trimble Installation Manager. I only have Auto or Custom Local as the Correction source, no RTX. Setting to Auto isn't getting any RTX results. Setting to Local defeats the purpose of RTX subscription, though we certainly can get corrections from the Local corrections. The Trimble Precision SDK is really what needs to function with the RTX. Has anyone had any success with RTX in TMM with the TDC650 Integrated Receiver?
Matthew Tackett