If there's not already a case with support I'd recommend submitting one so we can better understand what's going on with this specific device (or code)
Original Message:
Sent: 05-03-2024 08:08
From: Zach Edwards
Subject: TMM losing RTX license, Failed to add license
I believe what Trimble is suggesting here is to install TerraFlex ONLY for the purpose of activating RTX. Then, TMM and ultimately your custom application should be able to use the Fieldpoint RTX corrections. It's an alternative way to apply RTX aside from TMM.
Would you suggest that i send them the 1_0_19 build of GNSS loader to try to load RTX in lieu of TMM?
Lastly, we have confirmed that the issue is NOT the code. It's purely that the 650 will not take any RTX code via TMM currently. It is unique to 2-3 of over 200 in their fleet.
Zach Edwards
Original Message:
Sent: 05-02-2024 07:15
From: Lane LeBlanc
Subject: TMM losing RTX license, Failed to add license
I came across this same issue with the same error message using the latest TMM using a TDC650. We then loaded it via Terra Flex /settings/licensing successfully. It did take a few tries.
Lane LeBlanc
Original Message:
Sent: 04-02-2024 07:52
From: Matthew Tackett
Subject: TMM losing RTX license, Failed to add license
We have an extended subscription. A couple of our users have lost the RTX license. When we go to add the license back in TMM, we get a failed to Apply License. We are working through our vendor to verify the licenses are correct, but is there a known issues with being able to add the license back to TMM? This has only occurred after the TMM update. The previous version of TMM, with the few license that were lost we were able to add the license back easily.
Matthew Tackett