Hi Mary,
You can't change the ownership of your licenses inside of License Manager, but it is something your Reseller (or Trimble) can do in our provisioning system. Please reach out to the Reseller that sold you the licenses you want to have transferred, and tell them who you want the new Owner to be. The new Owner will need a current TID (Trimble Identity) before the transfer can occur.
Brendon Edge
Original Message:
Sent: 04-11-2024 11:36
From: Mary DuBose
Subject: Trimble License Manager - how to reassign ownership?
Hi Trimble Community,
Can anyone advise me on how to reassign ownership from myself to another user in our organization? I am on https://license-manager.trimble.com/users, and my account is the one listed with "Account Owner" as the role. We have two additional users listed here, who are both under the "Admin" role. How do I make one of the other users the account owner? When I click on "Update User", the only option available is to revoke administrator access, the opposite of what I'm trying to do. I need to transfer the account since I am leaving the organization at the end of the month.
Mary DuBose