[Apologies - this was initially posted onto the TBC Community page]
We still use our trusty R8-2's for a variety of work - mainly RTK, but occasionally RTK+Logging or straight Static capture (for post-processing in TBC).
Yesterday, the static log file from one receiver was dated 2/17/2004. On inspection (via the Configuration Toolbox utility) the firmware version is 3.82 (10/31/08). Our other units have version 4.61 (8/3/12). So it is likely the date problem is related to the old firmware version.
I am aware that a workaround to use the captured data is to RINEX it and search/replace the date in the observation file. This is manageable, but not desirable.
I also understand that you use Trimble Installation Manager to upload/update firmware - but that requires a maintenance agreement which has long expired.
Question: Is there a way to upload a firmware update into the offending unit without Installation Manager? (maybe at least version 4.61)
Brent George