Assume this is sadly not possible
Ed Dablin
Original Message:
Sent: 06-28-2024 07:57
From: Ed Dablin
Subject: Turning off clip plane view for screenshots
Ed Dablin
Original Message:
Sent: 06-20-2024 13:56
From: Ed Dablin
Subject: Turning off clip plane view for screenshots
Thanks. Do you know how to do it on the Windows desktop version?
Ed Dablin
Original Message:
Sent: 06-20-2024 13:41
From: Tero Laine
Subject: Turning off clip plane view for screenshots

Best Regards,
T Laine
Original Message:
Sent: 06-19-2024 09:48
From: Ed Dablin
Subject: Turning off clip plane view for screenshots
After clipping a plane, is there a way to remove the clipping plane and scissors to enable clearer screenshots?
Ed Dablin