Hi Joe,
That's a shame. Is it perhaps possible to install TMM and Field Maps as unmanaged apps so that they can still access the Files location?
Mark Kellaway
Original Message:
Sent: 07-04-2023 14:07
From: Joseph Grossman
Subject: Using a DA2 and Field Maps on a Shared iPad with Managed Apple IDs
Hey Mark,
Thanks for responding to my inquiry. In working with IT, we have determined that access to this setting to enable file access for the shared profile is not allowed through the Jamf MDM.
Joseph Grossman
Original Message:
Sent: 07-02-2023 15:34
From: Mark Kellaway
Subject: Using a DA2 and Field Maps on a Shared iPad with Managed Apple IDs
Hi Joe,
Thanks for reaching out. Field maps needs to know the location of the TMM folder for a number of reasons, including being able to read the TMM GNSS settings and for some Catalyst licensing capabilities. If Files access is not allowed, and after doing some more reading around Managed Apple IDs, I don't believe there is a workaround here unless there are options to enable file access with Apple Business Centre or your MDM?
Mark Kellaway
Original Message:
Sent: 06-29-2023 06:40
From: Joseph Grossman
Subject: Using a DA2 and Field Maps on a Shared iPad with Managed Apple IDs
We are using Trimble R1s and Trimble DA2's to collect data using ESRI field maps. As a company we are moving to using Shared iPad with Managed Apple IDs system managed through Jamf.
As we have been rolling this out I have found that we cannot use either external gps with the tablet because they require access to local storage which is not allowed with the shared I-Pads. The situation that I have observed is that when you try to connect to the R1 or DA2 in field maps it asked you to browse to the "mobile manager" folder. Since access to the file system is not allowed it won't allow you to use the device.
Has anyone else observed this or found a workaround?
Joe G
Joseph Grossman