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VCL = Siteworks

  • 1.  VCL = Siteworks

    Posted 04-18-2023 15:22

    Anyone have experience exporting VCL files to Workmanager for Siteworks use?
    I learned on my own how to export designs from TBC to publish designs which turned out to be VCL's.  When I tried to view the VCL in the Siteworks emulator, it was not letting the design be sync.  Is there a way to make the VCL be sync to the emulator?

    Francisco Guerrero

  • 2.  RE: VCL = Siteworks

    Posted 04-19-2023 08:01

    Hi Francisco,
    The easiest way to get TBC produced and sync'd designs into your emulator would be to add your emulator as a device into your WorksManager project.  TBC will publish the design up to WorksManager, and then you just have to perform the WorksManager sync on your Emulator, which will pull the project and designs down to your emulator.  
    Since SIteworks emulator is 100% fully functional version of Siteworks, except for the ability to connect to GNSS or UTS devices, the syncing process works the same.  Just go to the Menu > Data Management > WorksManager Settings, and use the information there to setup your emulator as a device in WorksManager just like a real licensed device.  Then you should be able to sync your emulator as if it was a normal data collector in WM.

    Alternatively if you are just looking for the VCL files and wanted to manually create a design and load them onto your emulator, when you "Publish" a design to WM from TBC, a copy of the VCL design will be placed onto your PC at: C:\Trimble Synchronizer Data\WorksManager\<Project Name>\Designs  and from there you can manually import the VCL into your emulator during a new design creation process. 

    Hope that helps! 

    Steve DiBenedetto

  • 3.  RE: VCL = Siteworks

    Posted 04-19-2023 08:49

    thank you for the reply Steve,
    so my PC is a known device and is sync.  So, the VCL are dumped into a created folder by TBC which stores all the VCL data.  Those VCL are filed as a ".w.vcl"  If i copied that VCL into an actual deisgn that is picked up by my emulator is shows up and all the associated linework ( which i exported a corridor to try) and alignments. no surface shows up.  i did find a quick video that Alan Sharp made back in 2020 and he mentions something along the lines of needing to have Worksmanager and TCC connected together for the VCL to read in the emulator.  bit painful and have not tried this as i just found the video last night.  

    Francisco Guerrero

  • 4.  RE: VCL = Siteworks

    Posted 04-20-2023 10:15

    Hey Francisco,
    You can always bring the VCL back into TBC to see if the data are there.  If the surface is not showing up in Siteworks, then it's probably not in the VCL file and the process by which you created the design may not have included the necessary data.  I typically use the "User Defined" option in the model type, and make sure i have whatever I want in the design selected.   
    The VCL that goes into the C:\Trimble Synchronizer Data\WorksManager\<Project Name>\Designs folder with the ~.w.VCL should be the same as what gets published up to the cloud and then sync'd down to the PC emulator (or data collector).  So I would not expect any differences between what comes down from WorksManager vs what comes in via the "~.w.VCL" file.    And note the ".w" means it was published to WM, while the ".u.VCL" means it was not published up to WM and only went to that local folder on the PC.  

    Steve DiBenedetto

  • 5.  RE: VCL = Siteworks

    Posted 06-09-2023 15:44

    so, I just had an itch to try out setting up a new project in the Emulator.  Then I manually added a .w.vcl which imported just fine.  This I see why the emulaor does not reconize the "workmanger" folder as the emulator is only reading from the "pc" folder to sync from. update.  the emulator does import ".w.vcl" by going to import the ".w.vcl"  this will help see to check what was exported 

    Francisco Guerrero