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 Changing coordinate origin

Edgar Rey's profile image
Edgar Rey posted 05-24-2023 12:54

Hello all. I changed origin of coordenates in a model that was already loaded. However, when uploaded new version with change, I can not see in TC a new version for this model (I use same model name) and TC keeps previous model. Is it necessary to change model name also in order that TC takes in account the coordinate change?. I apprecite some help about it. Thank you

Jari Juntunen's profile image
Jari Juntunen

Hello Edgar,

When repositioning a model by using the Align 3D models feature, there is no new version created in the version history as the model is not changed/edited. This is the expected behavior.

If the model is edited/changed in the original authoring software and a new version does not get created after uploading it into Trimble Connect, there may be a problem in the model file. If this is the issue you're facing, could you reach out to the Connect support team ( They can help investigating a possible issue in the specific model file.

Kind regards,