Permissions Overview Project Permissions Permissions for project level functions is defined by the user’s role in the project. By default the creator of a project is assigned as a Project Admin. Once there are other Project Admins in the project, the creator’s role can be changed to a...
User Guide Trimble Connect Revit Add-In Now available in web format—filled with the latest features, tips and how-to's! Visit the site #Trimble Connect #user guide #Import #3D #Files and Folders
2D & 3D Measurements You can use the measurement tools in Trimble Connect to measure distances in the 3D Viewer & 2D Viewer. You can get the X,Y,Z position of a single point, measure the distance between two points, or measure perpendicular distances between objects. Learn about...
Sharing Files The Share Data feature allows users to share files from a project with internal and external users. You can share the files that are stored in Trimble Connect in 3 ways: Share Setting Description Specific members of the project Files can be shared...
Restore Deleted Files & Folders Files and folders can be recovered using the Restore feature. Once the file/folder has been deleted, an activity will be shown for this action on the Activity page where there will be an option to restore the deleted content. Note: This...
File Versions & Revision History Trimble Connect allows you to track, download and view the revision history of your uploaded files. Using the file detail panel you will have access to view all of the revisions of a file, download a particular revision of the file and view a particular...
Working with Releases Releases Overview Releases are used to send versions of files privately to users who are part of a project. You can create and manage Releases in Trimble Connect for Browser on the Releases page. Releases have two states, Draft and Sent . If a Release is in the...
Change Control with Check In/Out Use check-in and check-out in Trimble Connect for Browser for collaborative revision control. You can check out a file to prevent other users from making changes while you modify it. After modifications the file can be checked back in. A file will not be...
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Folder & File Permissions Folder permissions can only be managed in Trimble Connect for Browser. Folder permissions applied in the Browser application will be enforced in all other Trimble Connect applications. Learn more about folder permissions › Learn more about file...