Trimble Positions Desktop add-in stores data like projects and sessions in a relational database. The Trimble Positions Configuration utility is used to select or configure the database to be used (default types are Jet/MDB and SQLite if a suitable driver is installed). After installing the add...
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TerraFlex Desktop add-in v5.4 A new version of the TerraFlex Desktop add-in for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) is available for download here (with required coordinate system files available here ) . The add-in supports TerraFlex on Connect field workflows and replaces all previous...
Trimble Positions Desktop add-in v10.8.1.3 A new version of the Trimble Positions Desktop add-in for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) is available for download here . The add-in supports TerraFlex on Connect, TerraFlex Offline, and TerraSync field workflows. Please see additional information below...
Introduction When support for local coordinate systems (including orthometric heights) was added to TerraFlex workflows in December of 2020, the entire solution became much more complex. As the functionality matured over the next few releases, there were changes made to many parts of the...
Introduction All desktop users of TerraFlex workflows in both the Trimble Positions and TerraFlex Desktop add-ins are required to login using their Trimble Identity in order to publish projects and download collected data. As has been publicized over the last few months in posts on both ...
TerraFlex Desktop add-in v5.3 A new version of the TerraFlex Desktop add-in for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) is available for download here (with required coordinate system files available here ). The add-in supports TerraFlex on Connect and TerraFlex on InSphere workflows and...
Trimble Positions Desktop add-in v10.8.1.2 A new version of the Trimble Positions Desktop add-in for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) is available for download here . The add-in supports TerraFlex on Connect, TerraFlex Offline, TerraFlex on InSphere, TerraSync, and Esri ArcPad + Trimble Positions...
When creating TerraFlex cloud projects through one of the add-ins for ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap), there are two photo handling workflows to be aware of. Store Photos as Attachments (multiple photos per feature) If a feature class has been enabled with attachments (available with a Standard or...
Support Note for December 2020 Versions of ArcMap add-ins We have just posted an important Support Note for users of either the Trimble Positions Desktop add-in v10.8.1.1 or the TerraFlex Desktop add-in v5.0 , released in December of 2020. Minor user action may be required to ensure...