You receive an error that there are too many soil surfaces or duplicate material text (see examples of error messages above). This is can be caused by using undo (Ctrl+Z) after creating soil layers or soil surfaces.
Before trying the following, create a copy of the calculation as it might cause issues with the soil layers.
After creating a copy of the calculation try option A, if that does not work try option B.
A) Reload from drawing
In Geosuite Stability, select in the menu Input -> Reload from Drawing. Thereafter, perform a calculation.
If this did not resolve the error, remove the geometry for the soil surface and/or material geometry that is causing the issue and then select Input -> Reload from Drawing. Run a calculation.
B) Updating the drawing inside a CAD software
Navigate to the project folder, and go inside the STABGRAF.RIT folder.
Make sure that you have created a copy of the calculation before starting this.
Open the file that is called {CALCULATION_NAME}.dwg with a CAD software.
If there is an issue with the soil surface, then there is probably a extra polyline for the soil surface. Remove this extra polyline.
If there is an issue with duplicate material text for a layer, then there is probably a extra material name for the material layer that has issues. Remove the material name for this layer. In the error message it often says "Error, there is 2 number of MATE7" or similar. In the CAD software, you can find out which layer this is by checking Layers.
If you still have a issue, notify the support and attach the stability calculation file with the support message.