Version 2020.0.7
Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Toolbox/Archive
Support for Drawing as CAD platform
Field license (NU) now allows the user to be offline for 30 days
The dialog questions that appears when starting Geosuite for the first time are now more user-friendly.
Bugfix: Removed the dropbox alternative when exporting projects as KML.
Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Presentation
Loading CPT data from stack files with negative values to GS Presentation now alerts the user.
Bugfix: Invalid characters in “Lagerbeskrivning” created errors when creating 3d-models“.
Bugfix: If the first borehole is Norwegian method: Total then the boreholes were not aligned when drawn.
Bugfix: In database version 4.0, the drilling depth in rock was set to 0.0 for the Core Drilling method.
Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite PileGroup
Updated help regarding single piles and head condition
Bugfix: “New” calculation did not close charts.
Bugfix: Soil data input validated despite being optional.
Bugfix: Result reading failed when Z >= 100 m.
Bugfix: Error check missed an error.
Bugfix: MN chart did not redraw after import of MN data.
Bugfix: No context menu on right click on MN diagrams.
Bugfix: Wrong help button captions.
Bugfix: Check boxes for charts stopped working.
Bugfix: Diameter/thickness problem with square pile has been resolved.
Bugfix: Stiffness matrix value Mzz did not have the correct sign.
Bugfix: Soil layer order was wrong when sent to the analysis kernel.
Bugfix: Problems accessing the database have been resolved.
Bugfix: “Fixed” head condition for piles did not work properly.
Bugfix: “Advanced properties” did not work properly.
Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Soil Data Interpretation (SDI)
Added the possibility to create trend lines numerically in graphs.
Bugfix: Abnormal shutdown due to negative effective vertical stress.
Bugfix: Statistics on saved graphs.
Bugfix: Changing groundwater level did not update correctly.
Bugfix: Wrong data in charts for laboratory data in the soil profiles tab.
Bugfix: Undrained shear strength menu & legend typo.
Bugfix: Statistical analysis for graphs - Can not perform statistical analysis if there is only one point selected.
Bugfix: Map function now works.
Bugfix: Filter function for prv/cpt is removed.
Bugfix: Evaluation of undrained shear strength with preconsolidation pressure trend line can now be performed.
Bugfix: When reading vane shear data together with other data (such as piston data) from GS Presentation, only the vane shear data was imported. This is now resolved so all properties from GS Presentation are imported.
Bugfix: Vane-shear strength diagram is now displayed as points instead of continuous lines.
Bugfix: Possibility to compare different boreholes graphical data in soil profile.
Bugfix: Interpretation of soil layers did not transfer correctly from GS presentation to SDI, which is now resolved.
Bugfix: Now possible to display different methods that provide the same parameters (for example undrained shear strength) in the same graph under Soil Profile.
Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Stability
Bugfix: Running isolines for C-profile caused crashes for some users. This is now resolved, and the possibility to trim isolines has been added.
Bugfix: Error when saving/running file with empty layers is now resolved.