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How to 'side-load' custom Geoid's for use in Trimble Mobile Manager 

04-21-2020 05:10

Trimble Mobile Manager (TMM) 2.3.0 and later supports orthometric heights which can be made accessible to third party apps through the Android Location Service  or through Trimble partners utilising the latest TPSDK release for Android

TMM provides list of pre-supplied Geoids for you to use and also the ability users can manually load a custom Geoid file. 

In the TMM app select GNSS Configuration > Geoid




If your geoid is not represented from the existing list you can 'side-load' your geoid by following the process below:


  1. Locate the geoid in *.ggf format you wish to 'side-load' for use in TMM
    • Trimble make a selection of Geoid Models available in *.ggf format here - some of which are not included in the default TMM list
    • Note - please ensure the file extension is lower case so *.ggf and NOT *.GGF

  2. FOR ANDROID - copy the *.ggf to the Android device and paste into the ...Android\data\com.trimblemobilemanager\files\GeoData folder
  3. FOR iOS - copy the *.ggf to the iOS device and use the FILES app to MOVE to the ...On My iPhone or iPad\Mobile Manager\GeoData folder   

  4. Refresh the GNSS Configuration page by loading another page in TMM - for example loading the HOME page then going back to the GNSS Configuration page
    • Note - some devices may need to restart the TMM app and or reboot the device to apply the changes

  5. The geoid will now be visible and available for use within the geoid - for example New Zealand Geoid 2009


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02-21-2022 04:15

many Many Thanks but which Geoid from the list is for the Philippines...?

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