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Introducing Trimble Connect BCF Topics Beta 

08-16-2022 03:52

Today, we're introducing Trimble Connect BCF Topics BETA. It is an early access beta version for collecting feedback.

To learn more about the Trimble Connect BCF Topics BETA feature and how to try it, please watch the attached short video. Also, check out the attached PDF document for Frequently Asked Questions.

Also note: Announcing Trimble Connect BCF Topics API BETA

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pdf file
Trimble Connect_ Topics Newsletter.pdf   247 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 09-06-2022


06-22-2023 06:36

BCF Topics is now generally available, please see announcement here 

02-21-2023 20:13

Hi there, I have a few points/questions after experimenting with the BCF Topics.

  • At present it seems that only users with a Business Premium license can create a BCF Topic. Is that correct?

  • I cannot seem to add any views to a topic, is this no longer working?

  • I can only add a Marker when a member is highlighted, and also I cannot remove a Marker. Can you check this?

  • The BCF Topics are not available in Trimble Connect for Desktop, is that correct? Do you know if it is the intent for these to be available within Trimble Connect for Desktop in the future?

Many thanks,


09-06-2022 08:12

  • We welcome you to try out the BCF Topics Beta and would love to hear your feedback. We're especially interested to hear about the following:

    • How well your current ToDo based workflows could be run with the BCF Topics?

    • Do you see benefits of using BCF Topics over ToDos?

    • Do you perhaps identify some gaps in the functionality? 

  • Send feedback to:

  • Send bug reports to:

08-22-2022 07:02


Thank you for the comments and the detailed feedback. We're happy to hear that the feature is well received.

The bug report is sent for more detailed investigation.

Later on, we welcome bug reports and feedback via our support team ( 

Kind regards,

08-19-2022 12:52

HI ,
It is great news to see this feature in trimble connect, it really made me happy, but I did find some bugs.
1) when i create 2 views (screenshots) and export it only the first view is exported when I imported it in external program
2) when i select existed bcf under bcf topic and click on view it, then the viewer lunch and he says I should select a project even though I am already in project, and when I select the same project nothing happen. 
3) when I add comments in bim collab zoom and import the issue one more time, the comments are not coming with the new BCF.

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