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NOVAPOINT 2020.FP1a Release Notes 

12-28-2020 13:25

Release date: 13.11.2020


FIXED: Alignment Design did not function properly on Windows 10 version 2004 and later.

FIXED: Draw terrain cross sections from road model did not work

FIXED: Draw cross sections from road model could not draw cross sections if road had boundary in reference line. Error message was “Surface not found”

FIXED: Draw longitudinal section with offset terrain profile could show wrong offset terrain if length of sheet was changed.

FIXED: Detailed Quantity report got wrong quantities if road/railway model had boundary on left side in centerline.


  • FIXED: The quantity report could in some situations present wrong (too small, or “0”) quantities on a trench due to a tolerance issue related to the end chainage of the last trench section.
  • FIXED: The function 'Update trench bottom from lowest pipe' did not set the node elevation to the bottom of the trench.
  • FIXED: Copied WS model reused Quadri features of original WS model when importing them into another WS model in the same Quadri model.



  • 3D-Drawing: Some niches were not drawn correctly. This is now fixed.
  • Geology plan drawing: The checkboxes for selecting the drawing content didn't work. This is now fixed.
  • Plan drawing: For some projects, the tunnel-lines were drawn to origo. This is now fixed.


Norwegian version


  • 3DSIGN - The property value for the width and height of the sign was reversed (#HAN-3437)
  • 3DSIGN - Property values for “SignType” supplemented with several new values (#HAN-3438)
  • 727.3 - All texts were missing from the default sign (#HAN-3435)

Known issues

Check the Archive for closed cases older than one year.


Date when discovered
Product Description Fixed in
2020/11/19 NP2020 NP Road and Railway Use of Boundaries and Object Bridge or Tunnel when only one side of the road uses this type of Object can give wrong cut and fill solids. The model must have the same Object and chainage for the boundaries on both sides of the road.
2020/10/23 NP2020 NP Road and Railway Detailed Quantity report gets wrong quantities if road/railway model has boundary on left side in centerline. Summary report and the X-sect based detailed report gives correct quantities. Workaround is to add Distance 0.01 from Centerline for boundary. NP2020.FP1a
2020/10/13 Quadri2020 Quadri for Win When importing DWG, and in settings > Solid/Surface, the value of “Max face edge lenght” can not be 0 (zero), or the program will hang. Any other value is ok. NP2020.FP1a
2020/10/12 NP2020 NP Road and Railway Road model/Railway model. Soft spot removal does not work in Simple mode. Advanced mode has to be used to get the removal of soft spot layer.
2020/10/01 NP2020 NP WS Splitting a trench, where user defined attributes are added, may cause that the user defined attributes will be deleted during rebuild of the trench task. NP2020.FP1
2020/09/24 NP20/21/2020 Alignment Design Alignment Design in Road and Rail does not work on Windows 10 version 2004 and AutoCAD later than 2015. This is related to Windows version 2004 only. NP2020.FP1a
2020/09/21 2020 NP Road Quantities can in some models be wrong if many soil layers have holes or cross eachother.
2020/05/27 Quadri2020 Quadri for Win There are two sets of EPGS codes representing UTM Zone 32N,33N,35N. When importing norwegian SOSI file you will get the EPGS = 25832, 25833 or 25835.
Temporary solution: If your model is defined with EPGS code 3044, 3045 or 3047 - that also represent 32N, 33N, 35N - look at the text behind the codes, and if that defines that same UTM zone, you should click “CRS is same as model”, as these are identical.
2020/05/11 21? NP Road Sight analysis can fail for some road models. Related to the roadmodel building 1mm before the start chainage.
Temporary solution: Build roadmodel, but start sightanalysis with start chainage a bit after the actual startchainage for the model.
2020/03/01 21.FP4? NP Road Roadmodel results may look choppy. Happens when combining roadmodel boundary to centerline when cross-sections are overlapping (because of sharp turn on alignment) and the following cleanup that we do to the results.
Temporary solution: Change the boundary to alignment to also have a distance of 1cm or similar.
2020/01/17 21.FP4 NP Road Rock <1m not included in summary report.
2019/12/19 21.FP4 NP Road Wrong area on pavement layers can occur in quantity report when using the rehab-pavement function.
2019/11/20 21 NP Tunnel When using Novapoint Tunnel in AutoCAD for 3D-drawing e.g., you sometimes get a stopping error message telling you that the tunnel task is incompatible. You must then restart AutoCAD to be able to proceed with your tunnel task.
2019/09/24 21 NP Tunnel Tunnel The Tunnel Design dialog: Scanner data is shown with an offset compared to the design profile. NP2020
2019/06/28 21 NP Road Vegetation and topsoil removal using vertical-vertical does not work. No material is removed and no fill is put back in.
2019/06 21 NP Tunnel 3D drawing functionality hangs for some models. NP2020
2019/05/28 21.FP4 NP Road Errors in 3D results when road model goes in circle and crosses itself.
From FP4a: Solution is improved when the road is completely crossing itself, but still not when it has a minor overlap in the results.
2019/01/19 21 NP Tunnel Showing triangulated pointcloud fail for some projects. NP2020
2018/08/15 21 NP Tunnel Content on LandXML export has issues in some situations.
2018/05/09 21 NP Tunnel Opening geology and rock support registration is slower than in NP20. NP2020
2018/05/09 21 NP Road Deep blasting endsurface method 3 always goes to the last ditch surface.
Temporary solution: Use endsurface method 2 instead.
2018/05/09 21 NP Road Draw roadmodel missing possibility to draw contourlines.
Temporary solution: Draw out through a planpresentation in Base to CAD. Select roadtask and set the global filter on objects to Medium=On Terrain.
2017/10/09 ALL NP Road Sight distance calculaton gives error about Cross-section calculation insufficient for roads build shorter than 100m.
Temporary solution: Extend the road in start or end and use boundaries on left- and righthand side to the centerline.
2017/01/05 ALL NP Road Error in deepblasting when it hits the rock surface in two or more places in the cross-section. Deepblasting surface is then create above the rock surface. Quantities for deepblasting is also wrong.
2016/09/11 20 NP Road Error in sight analysis results.
NOTE: Sight analysis report is correct, and we see sightlines in the model, but when a not-approved sightline is found, the sightline does not have the correct direction/length.
ALL NP Road Top soil or vegetation removal above soft soil removal can give varying results. Check the quantity calculations and mass hatches in cross-section drawings to indentify errors.


Date when discovered
Product Description Fixed in
2019/08 21.FP4 NP Road 3D results might look strange when using boundary to Centerline multiple times on both sides of the road. 21.FP4b
2019/08/12 21 NP Road Quantity report with limitation with from-to chainage fails when using the summary function or “No sectioning”. 21.FP4b
2019/06/06 21.FP4 NP Road Errors in the conversion file for intersection task gives wrong/or lacking result features:
* Not all breaklines are produced
* Result surfaces missing attributes

All surface geometry and the extent of the intersection is still correct, but missing some lines. The main challenge for the user will be wrong textures and presentations (Default, Basic3D, Sketch).
2018/05/09 21 GUDB Not supported in NP21. 21.FP4
2018/11/02 21 NP GeoSuite If an import task for a GeoSuite projects is edited and finds a new method for a Borehole sometimes it ends up with errors in validation and with two identical methods. Way around is then to delete the existing method/object and then to revalidate. 21.FP4
2018/05/09 21 NP Road Buildtime for road models are more timeconsuming than before.
NP21.FP2: Faster than previous versions of NP21.
NP21.FP3: Even faster with regards to Finish/Cancel buttons.
NP21.FP4: Further improvements on step 3, especially for bigger roadmodels. We consider the calculation time as acceptable.
2019/01/28 21 NP Road Quantity report crashing in situations where the 3D-results are not created or solids are selected to not be included in the roadmodel build. 21.FP4

Compatibility Breaks

Between some versions there may be compatibility breaks resulting in some data not being able to be used in one version after it has been used in another.

Between Description
Novapoint 21 Quadri for Windows 2020 / Novapoint 2020 Users should be aware that tasks (such as the Road task) in Novapoint 2020 (QfW 2020), can re-use result features when they are re-run. If this model is then shared with a Novapoint 21 user, and they re-run the same task, the task will delete and replace the result features with new objects.
This means that any dependent tasks that use the result features (such as a cross section view) as input will be invalid.
Users should be very careful when mixing usage of Novapoint 21 and Novapoint 22 on the same project, as this can cause result features to be replaced when tasks are re-run in Novapoint 21.
Thus any tasks that depend on the replaced result objects will become invalid.
Best practices:
1. Do not create an input query by using selection in a window.
2. Avoid creating queries in the dynamic query dialogue that drill down to instance selection.
Novapoint 21 Quadri for Windows 2020 Volume Tool: tasks that has been edited/changed in Quadri for Windows 2020 is not possible to open in a previous version.
When you try to open the Table View task in Novapiont 21 you will see a message related to to this in the Process Info.

Road Sign: Road Sign tasks opened in Novapoint 2020 cannot be opened in Novapoint 21.
Novapoint 21 Novapoint 21.FP1 New task settings in tasks for Road, Elevation, Alignment, Railway, Terrain Shaping, Slope Surface will be cleared when opening in older versions.
Novapoint 20 Novapoint 21 Projects upgraded to Novapoint 21 or later cannot be opened in Novapoint 20 or earlier versions.
Novapoint 20 Novapoint 21 Modelfiles related to Road, Railway and Water/Sewer tasks are not possible to open in previous versions
after they have been opened in Novapoint 21 or later.
Novapoint 19 Novapoint 20 Projects upgraded to Novapoint 20 or later cannot be opnend in Novapoint 19 or earlier versions.
All versions The Feature Catalogue in the Quadri Model cannot be downgraded to an older version of the Feature Catalogue.
For all versions, functionality found in newer versions will not work in older versions.

Also, projects created in newer versions may have newer Feature Catalogues that do not exist in previous installations and therefore may not start.

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