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NOVAPOINT 2020.FP1d Release Notes 

05-31-2021 01:34

Release date: 29.04.2021

Support for AutoCAD 2022 products !


Build model
FIXED: Cut-solids could have a gap between two consecutive sections.

FIXED: Inner slope surface would in some cases not follow the pavement, but followed the roadsurface.

FIXED: Cases of crash when building the designmodel.

FIXED: Wrong elevation of the road when alignment vertical reference is set to be related to a 1-surface not located at the CL, when there are only 1-surfaces on the inside of it, but no 0-surface.


FIXED: Case of report with 10m interval that didn't finish.


FIXED: Line tasks with taskpath longer than 256 characters could crash the taskselector dialog in Alignment Design and Draw Horizontal Alignment.

FIXED: Slope Surface tool crashed when there are too many subsurface layers in the sections. Now it completes with a warning about checking the results.

Configuration specific issues 

FIXED: Road templates did not have the DesignModel-type set correctly. It gave problems when using Novapoint SiteTool.


Configuration specific issues 

Switch Design 
FIXED: Drawing Setup dialog missing.


Construction - Vertical Drawing

FIXED: When adding a vertex on the trench reference line the pipe geometry did not update after adding a new branch node in the same trench section.

FIXED: In some cases the WS design graphics got behind other layers in the plan drawing.


FIXED: Stake out data - Connection of not Manhole type stored with reference point.
<note important>Remember to change conversion rule to new "Standard" in WS Construction to update an existing model with "Stake out data" fix.</note>

FIXED: Pipe attribute "PipeLength" in Explorer window - Value presented the length of the first pipe segment, not the sum of all the joined segments.

IMPROVED: LandXML export from WS model improved with better interpretation of Pipe Network network type. In some situations not all pipes were exported.

FIXED: SOSI export from WS model did not to include some Connections with no pipe attached.

UPDATED: Inframodel export to support 4.04-schema

Novapoint Road Sign


=== Norwegian version ===

FIXED: 3DSIGN - The foundation "Oppland standard H=725mm" was inserted to the model using a wrong rotation angle

FIXED: 3DSIGN - Added two dummy configurations... "Portal" and "Portalbein"

FIXED: TSLINE - It was not possible to manually move the block for Pos. No. anymore

=== Swedish version ===

NEW: New signs - Added support for E33 and E34

Novapoint Tunnel

FIXED: 3D-drawing of some tunnels failed - leaving out a part of the perimeter. This is now fixed.

FIXED: When editing the alignment for the tunnel road/rail, then the triangulated surface need to be re-triangulated. Now the user get a stopping error message with instructions what to do in such situations.

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