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Product Update - 02-18-2021 | Introducing Organizer Access Control 

02-18-2021 03:30

Trimble Connect Workflow Extensions - Introducing Organizer Access Control 

The February 18, 2021 release of the Trimble Connect 3D Viewer introduces a new feature for the Workflow Extensions: the organizer access control.  




How to apply the new permission model to existing organizer groups

As a project admin

As a user who has created organizer groups

In the organizer settings panel

How to manage access control

Manage access control of all organizer groups in the project

Manage access control of my organizer groups

Manage access control of single organizer group in the project

Delay before access control changes become effective


With the new organizer access control feature, project admins can define the access level that each user group has for each organizer group in the project. In addition, users who create organizer groups can manage access control for the groups they created. The new access control permissions model replaces the previous model where all users were able to see all organizer groups and the right to edit was based on the company association. Now, it is possible to choose from three different access levels for each user group separately:  Edit access, Read only access, and No access.

How to apply the new permission model to existing organizer groups

Action is needed from a project admin, or from a user who created the group, to update existing organizer groups to the new access control permission model. Note that all newly created organizer groups will automatically use the new permission model.  Follow one of the methods below to apply the new permissions model to existing groups.


As a project admin 


  • As a project admin, click the “Manage access control (For all groups)” option in the organizer panel context menu to manage access control for all organizer groups in the project:
  • Note the message telling that the permission model must be updated to continue. Choose one of the options: Update individual groups or Update all groups. NOTE: Clicking “Update all groups” now will convert all groups in the project to the new permissions model and the action cannot be reverted. If for any reason there are Organizer groups in the project that need to remain in the previous permission model or in a custom permission model created using the Organizer API, make sure to choose “Update individual groups”



  • Choosing either of the options will launch the organizer access control panel. If the  option to update all groups was selected, all organizer groups in the project were converted to the new permission model. If the option to update individual groups was selected, the organizer access control panel will display an icon next to the group name. Clicking the icon will convert the individual organizer group to the new permissions model. 


  •  Set the permissions as described in the How to Manage Access Control section.
  • Click Save. The new permissions are applied to the organizer groups. .


As a user who has created organizer groups

  • Click “Manage access control” option in the context menu of a single organizer group that you have created to manage access control for the organizer group 
    • Or click the “Manage access control (For my groups)” item in the organizer panel context menu

  • Note the message telling that the permission model must be updated to continue. Clicking “Update permissions model” will convert the organizer group to the new permissions model and the action cannot be reverted

In the organizer settings panel

  • In the settings panel of an organizer group, note the message telling that the permission model must be updated and click the “Update permissions model” link. Note that clicking the link will convert the organizer group to the new permissions model and the action cannot be reverted.


How to manage access control

All project admins can manage access control of all organizer groups in the project. In addition,  users who create organizer groups can manage access control for the groups they have created.


Manage access control of all organizer groups in the project


As a project admin, follow these steps:


  • Click the “Manage access control (For all groups)” option in the organizer panel context menu 



  • The Organizer access control panel opens:



The Organizer access control panel is organized into a grid view where there is one column for each organizer group and one row for each user group to which access has been granted. The access level granted to an organizer group for each user group can then be selected from three possible values: Edit access, Read only access and No access. Their meaning is as follows:

    • Edit access means that members of the user group have full edit access to the organizer group
    • Read only access means that members of the user group can see the organizer group in the organizer panel and select the group and its’ subgroups for highlighting objects in 3D
    • No access means that the organizer group is hidden from the members of the user group in the organizer panel

  • Initially, the Organizer access control grid has only one row that is labeled as “Default access”. This row represents the access level that is granted to all project members unless a more specific rule can be found from the rows below. In other words, all users who don’t belong to any user group, or are members of a group but no access control rule has been defined for the group, get their access based on the values on this row.

Note: For newly created organizer groups, the default access is “Edit access”.

  • Click the Add access control for another group button. A dialog box opens:

  • Start typing a name of a user group and select the correct group from the auto suggestions. Click Apply.

Note: The Connect user groups are managed in the Team page that can be accessed by following the link in the Organizer access control page. There must be at least one user group defined before it’s possible to manage access. 

  • Add all needed user groups into the grid view and set the access level for each user group and organizer group

Note: It’s possible to set the user group’s access level to the “Inherited” setting. When in this setting, the user group’s access level follows the value of the default access row. For a newly created organizer group, all user groups use the inherited setting until another access level is assigned to them. 

  • Note that users who are given edit access are still required to have the Business Premium license to be able to edit the values. 

Manage access control of my organizer groups

For a normal project user, it’s possible to manage access control of all the organizer groups the user has created by clicking on the “Manage access control (For my groups)” item in the organizer panel context menu:

Manage access control of single organizer group in the project

Launching the Organizer access control panel is not always needed. It’s possible to manage or view the access control settings of single organizer groups with the following ways:

  • Click “Manage access control” option in the context menu of a single organizer group and define the access levels for the group in the Organizer access control dialog box:

  • Click the “Open settings” option in the context menu of a single organizer group and view the current access control settings:

Delay before access control changes become effective

If the edits include changes in the user groups or in the project admin role, there is a 15 minute delay before the changes become effective. For example, after assigning a user to a group, it takes up to 15 minutes before the user will see the effect of the change.

When granting the “No access” access level to a user group, the Organizer panel contents are not immediately refreshed. The new access level will become visible when the panel is refreshed the next time. 


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02-22-2021 06:29

Looks good! I can't wait to try and test hard! Are there available document, what kind of other upgrades are you planning this year?

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