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Quantm April 2021 Release Notes 

04-21-2021 07:06

New Integrations & Workflows

Quantm - Quadri - Novapoint

  • Trimble Connected Construction Workflow - The new bidirectional connectors reduce total planning time and provide faster integration between scoping, concept, feasibility, scheduling, detailed design, visualization, construction and maintenance.
  • Quantm - Quadri Connector - Using a bidirectional task integration, Quantm can read data, like terrain surface models and GIS information, stored in Quadri, as well as integrate with other tools in the infrastructure ecosystem. Quantm is now able to:
    • Receive terrain model (DTM) directly from Quadri
    • Receive GIS data directly from Quadri
    • Send alignments to Quadri
  • Set up the connection Quantm-Quadri
    1. Have both software open. Create a task connector in Quadri with data to Quantm. Tips are to create one for the terrain model and one for the GIS data (multiple tasks can be created). In this case the terrain model is used.
    2. Create a new Quantm project. Read terrain model from Quadri via bidirectional task connector.
    3. Receive GIS data from Quadri. First create the task connector in Quadri with the GIS data you will send to Quantm. Inside Quantm, go to utilities and import GIS/CAD.
  • Choose a DTM size - When creating a Quantm project and reading the terrain model from Quadri, you can now choose the grid size density of the terrain model.
  • Send Quantm alignments directly back to the BIM platform in the Quadri model 
  • Utilize optimized alignments from Quantm, stored in Quadri, to do detailed design in Novapoint or other design applications.

Quantm - Tilos

  • Send Quantm data to Tilos - Send XML files with project details, such as road elevation, terrain elevation, earthworks, template materials, structures and quantities, from Quantm to quickly create a time-distance schedule in Tilos.
  1. Open Tilos version 11 (or newer) and import the XML from Quantm
  2. Display land and road/rail elevation information, cut and fill quantities, construction material, and structures with locations in a time-distance diagram or in a traditional Gantt chart.
  3. Use Tilos to create activities, links, plan resources, costs, CO2 for decision making during tender, feasibility, design and construction.

New Enhancements & Features

  • Curvilinear optimization - Use ‘Curvilinear’ optimizations for better speed and spread of results without accurate geometry.
  • Varied fill - Ability to have varied fill cost zones within a scenario.
  • CO2 Calculator -
    • Add values with separators in the cost parameter input fields (, and .)
    • Ability to show CO2 for all items (Construction and Traffic) in the Alignment Summary
  • Noise Indications - Audiovisual Noise Indicator. Noise Indication based on heavy traffic, speed limit, grade and daily traffic flow.
    • Red = > 65dBA
    • Yellow = 55dBa-65dBA
    • No color = <55dBA
  • Noise barrier cost - Apply cost and CO2 to construct Noise measurements in the linear cost
  • Volume report for detailed section - Volume calculations down to every 10 m. Adjust the section intervals in preference settings under the alignment tab. Cross Section intervall settings need to be larger than the volume report section interval.
  • Cost part of alignments - Update/calculate cost for the selected sections or parts of the alignment. Visualize the start- and end chainage of the cutted alignment in plan and profile view.
  • Export part of alignment by LandXML to design tools - Make sure the start- and end change is not placed in a transition curve.

Quantm Interface (UI) & Settings

  • New splash screen - Modernize the startup splash screen
  • New Desktop Icon - Modern Trimble desktop Icon aligned with the Connected Construction.
  • Quantm Icon - inside the software updated (up left corner).
  • About Quantm - Updated information
    • link to new web page
    • Link to new community page.
    • Quadri version (If Quadri is open)
    • Contact information


  • CO2 decimal bug - The value in cost parameters for CO2 under tab “Materials and Linear Cost” could not handle decimals. Now any number is allowed.
  • GIS data are checked for issues - Zones and features are checked for issues even when they are not active.
  • Quantm import Parabola Curves - Allows alignment created with parabolas to be correctly imported.
  • Importing alignment crest error (R=3000m) - The crest of imported alignments will follow the nativ created crest radius and not automatically be converted to R=3000m.
  • Indian Rupee - Now possible to export Excel alignment reports
  • Help menu - Updated
  • Progress bar - When exporting alignments summaries to Excel
  • Portuguese Brazilian - Language enhancements

Reaching Sales, Support, and the Community

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Quantm Resource Center

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Trimble Connected Construction

Trimble 2021 All rights reserved. Duplication is strictly prohibited. All trademarks registered.

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Uploaded - 05-11-2021

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