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Quantm 2022.2 Release Notes 

08-02-2022 07:58

See the full notes with images in the PDF below.

Integration and Workflows


GIS attributes included in the Quadri-Quantm connector

E.g. tasknames 

Progress bar when importing files from Quadri

Send surfaces and layers from Quantm to Quadri

Send the centerline(s) from Quantm to Quadri with surfaces and locations of tunnels and bridges.

New features

This Quantm release includes these new features and enhancements:

User interface modernization

Hint CAD import

You can now  import alignments via HintCAD files. Copy HintCAD files in the same folder, including PRJ file, PM file, ZDM file, CTR file.

Select the PRJ file to import. The Alignment will be generated as a geometric line with all structure data. You can edit it in Quantm and use it for seeded submission. 

DGN alignment import

When importing DGN alignments into Quantm, it’s important that the exported alignment just contain the alignments in the file.

Catalog export split  

It is now possible to split the export of the catalog data. Right-click on geometric parameters or cost parameters and click Export Catalog Data. Import the separate catalog data as before. 


This Quantm release also includes fixes for reported or discovered cases in which:

Alignment Comparison bug

Bug when sorting alignments in Alignment Comparison. Based on CO2 construction if the values exceeded 1 million the sorting order was wrong.

Alignment Summary bug 

Values in Alignment Summary did not update when cutting and changing an alignment. 

Add unit description grade into the installation

Added unit description for Grade Break in the Geometric Parameters

Ability to have a narrower corridors

Desktop and enterprise users can now choose a narrower width when using the corridor optimization.

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Uploaded - 08-02-2022

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