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Release Notes Geosuite 2020.0.6 

05-03-2023 01:41

Version 2020.0.6

Release date: 2022-10-17

Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Toolbox/Archive

Bugfix: Some transformations not found, for instance SWEREF 99 TM (Fixed now but way around is to transform in GS Presentation-Export)

Check of document sizes in Export to GeoSuite Cloud.

Configuration file, new options for license mix of FlexLM and TrimbleID:

  • NETAVD=LMPRESENTATION if GS Presentation with TrimbleID and otherwise FlexLM.
  • NETAVD=LMCALCULATION if Calculation modules with TrimbleID otherwise FlexLM.

Support for Drawing

Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Presentation

Bugfix: 2020.0.5 could not update profile drawings for AutoCAD 2019/2020

Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite PileGroup

Bugfix: Pile group center not working correctly (labels changed & default values added preventing pile group center not being set)

Bugfix: Correct old pgjson files without pile center set

Bugfix: Windowing and then maximizing result window not working correctly

Bugfix: Storing calculation file on server causes problems when opening

Bugfix: Group action values not validated

Bugfix: Soil properties not shown correctly in graph

Bugfix: Bad error messages more explanatory

Bugfix: Wrong curve for plastic capacity for steel core piles

Bugfix: Y-axis displacement wrong in plan view

Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Soil Data Interpretation (SDI)

Bugfix: Calculate’s “Finish” enabled despite calibration factors are missing

Bugfix: Stress history and sensitivity axes scale incorrectly

Bugfix: OCR line in stress history must update when changing method for calculating OCR

Bugfix: Select/unselect option in borehole selection does not display correctly

Bugfix: Opening saved SDI files through GS Arkiv creates a dialog loop

Bugfix: Header for liquid limits trendline is wrong

Bugfix: Short command for help function not working

Bugfix: Statistical analysis for graphs - trend line covering graph

Bugfix: Program crashes when moving/dragging headers

Bugfix: Import wizard (File conversion wizard - InterpretedOedometerData) spelling mistake

Bugfix: Graphical scale issues due to legend

Bugfix: Changing values in oedometer interpretation does not update preconsolidation stress chart

Updates for Novapoint GeoSuite Stability

Bugfix: Too long file name causes error when saving results

Bugfix: Generate Report fails

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