Release date: 2023-06-21
Now users should not receive error messages (script loading errors) when using the google maps feature inside Geosuite Archive, as we have updated the Maps component.
Improved validation when uploading to Geosuite cloud.
Minor bug fixes.
Reading and drawing resitivity for CPT (cpt-r)
Updating RAM sounding dynamically
Bugfix: Importing “Norwegian” .prv file format in GS (no) the protocol fields now appear correctly.
Bugfix: If a user creates cross sections from a selection of boreholes, the selected urval-selection is now displayed.
Bugfix: Minor bug fixes
Changed Stability to 64-bits.
Updated calculation strategy Points and RPoints so that users can select an interval for the points instead of selecting every point.
Default calculation strategy is now RTangent.
Display error message when pore pressure profiles at the same location.
Minor improvements and bug fixes.