If you experience any issues with Catalyst you can help Trimble resolve this by sending the log files to the support team
This process will cover Trimble Mobile Manager (TMM).
Sending Log files - with TMM
Hi Gregor
You should still be able to access the log file manually via the main memory. If you can, please follow either of the steps below and send the log files in to Catalyst_Support@Trimble.com along with a brief explanation of whats happening and we'll look into thisAccessing the logs manually:
You should also try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest Trimble Mobile Manager application again just in case this was a problem with the installation/ setup
Hi Tom,
after I got the Android 8.0 update on my Huawei P10, clicking on "Generate Log File" causes the TMM app to crash.
On Android 7.x it was working well.
I've installed the latest versions of Catalyst Service 1.0.2030 and Trimble Mobile Manger 1.2.157
Android version is 8.0.0 with build number VTR-L09