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Trimble Connect for Browser 3.38.2 | Release Notes | Oct 4, 2022 

10-04-2022 02:54

Trimble Connect for Browser 3.38.2 | Release Notes | Oct 4, 2022

Application: Trimble Connect for Browser

Version: 3.38.2

Date: Oct 4, 2022

About this release

We have made a few improvements in this release for Connect for Browser. 

Generate QR code from Connect for Browser 

  • You will now be able to generate QR code from Connect for Browser for files and views. This can be used to launch files and views from Connect for Mobile.     

  • It will be possible to Download the QR code or print. There will also be an option to copy the URL (of files or view) . These will help share the QR codes with relevant team members.   


  1. There will be no change to file or view permissions by generating QR codes. 
  2. Different file types cannot be mapped together to the same QR code as they cannot be launched together. 
  3. 3D file types : Multiple 3D files of the same file type can be mapped to a single QR code
  4. 2D file types : Only single file can be mapped to a QR code 
  5. Views : Only a single view (3D / 2D)  can be mapped to a QR code.

Restore files deleted from Connect Sync

If you accidentally deleted files/folders on your Connect project through Connect Sync operations , it will now be possible to restore from the Activity feed in Connect for Browser.  Earlier the files were lost and you had to upload them again. 

After file delete , there will be a Restore button shown in the Activity.

The restore operation may take some time. Hence please check the results after some time or by navigating to another page and returning back to the Activity page. 

Final status will be shown subsequently.


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