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Trimble Connect for Mobile 2.21.2 | Release Notes | Sep 19, 2022 

09-18-2022 20:07

Trimble Connect for Mobile 2.21.2 | Release Notes | Sep 19, 2022

Sep 19, 2022

Trimble Connect for Mobile

Android | iOS | v2.21.2

About this release

Connect for Mobile v2.21.2 is now available in Google Play Store and Apple App store. This release was focused on important bug fixes. 


Bug fixes

  • With the app merge changes for PWA milestone 1, the 3D viewer URL in Connect for Browser had changed. This was causing issues while launching the 3D files and 3D Views using QR code. The same is fixed now. 
  • Messages for clearing cache from device earlier sounded like data was being permanently deleted, though it wasn’t. The message are now rephrased to make it clearer. 
  • Adding photos from the gallery to Todo used to crash the app. This is now fixed


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11-03-2022 07:40

Hello Mr. Darshan;
I'm waiting 2.22 version for fixing some problem about Share status. 
When will this version be released? Do you have a scheduled date?

Thank you for your studies

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