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Trimble Connect for Windows 1.15.0 | Release Notes | April 11, 2022 

04-11-2022 07:52

There is a new version of the Trimble Connect for Windows application released today. Version identifier for this release is The new version is available for download in the Connect apps store page or by clicking the "New version available!" button in the top right corner of the Connect for Windows application.

New Features

New toolbar option for toggling visibility of IFC Opening Elements. If the IFC models loaded in 3D have Opening Elements, their visibility can be toggled from the left side toolbar: 

New search/filter feature in the Objects panel. Now it is possible to quickly search for a specific object property in the “Group by” field in the Objects panel. To search for a property to group by, just click on the “Object names” text box and start typing:

A new message box is shown in 3D if there is a newer model version available: 

  • When the message box is shown, you can click either
    • The model name to load the latest version in 3D
    • or
    • “Version history” button to open the version history dialog and see the full version history for the model

Improvements and Fixes

  • Now when creating a new view, also the visible .PURL point clouds are saved to the to the view
  • Now it’s possible to open .PURL point clouds to the 3D viewer directly from the explorer without having to first open the point clouds tab
  • If a ToDo has a model attached to it, now it’s possible to download the model or open the model directly in 3D if it is already added to the project
  • New importer plugin versions:
    • IFC Plugin 5.63
    • DWG Plugin 1.58
    • TFLx Plugin 1.0.2
    • BSQ format is not supported anymore (legacy 3D format that has been replaced by TrimBIM)
  • Fixed an issue where users of an enterprise license project were not able to launch the Visualizer
  • Fixed an issue where changing unit settings did not update measurements and grid elevations immediately in 3D
  • Fixed an issue where the export to TrimBIM feature failed with a very large model
  • Fixed an issue where some items were missing from model hierarchy in an IFC model



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quien ha podido descargar la version anterior a la ultima

05-11-2022 01:21


we can download only the lastest version of trimble desktop.

how we can do for download the previous version?

thank you for your answer

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