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Trimble Connect for Windows 1.11 | Release Notes | Dec 17, 2020 

12-17-2020 01:11

There is a new version of the Trimble Connect for Windows application released today. Version identifier for this release is 1.11. The new version is available for download in the Connect apps store page or by clicking the "New version available!" button in the top right corner of the Connect for Windows application.

New Features

  • 3D view toolbar has a new button to toggle visibility of IFC Spaces. IFC Spaces are hidden by default and can also be unhidden individually in the object list
  • Users can download and save any project file locally into the Windows file system. In the case of a model file, the user has the option to choose the original format or TrimBIM format. Also different versions can be saved from the revision history dialog
  • Creating single point measurements
  • Added Skybox background image support. There is a new menu option in the file explorer context menu for image files: “Set as background image"
  • Navisworks NWD & NWC file format support BETA (learn more here)
    • Note that at this stage of the beta period, the NWD & NWC file formats support plain 3D viewing only. The files cannot be used in other workflows, like for example in creating Views, ToDos or Clash checks.
  • SketchUp 2021 model format support (note important information below )
  • Option to hide the “New version available!” button for enterprise installations (Windows registry option)

Improvements and Fixes

  • Initial project synchronization performance optimization
    • When opening a project with a large number of files and a long version history, the first time opening of the project is faster because synchronization of subfolders continues to happen in the background even after the root folder level is available 
  • New importer plugin versions, improvements and fixes since the previous TC for Windows release:
    • SketchUp Plugin 1.69
      • Adds SketchUp 2021 support
      • Fixed an issue where components and groups that only contain raw geometry (do not contain nested groups/components) were processed as “INVALID”
      • Fixed an issue where component definition name and instance name were reversed
      • Fixed an issue where dynamic component attributes applied to the Component Definition were not represented on Component Instances or on Groups
      • Fixed an issue where Attribution assigned to any Group was ignored
    • IFC Plugin 5.57
      • Fixed an issue where volume was not calculated for certain pour objects that had IsSolid attribute incorrectly set as false
      • Added support for Point as geometry representation type
      • Fixed an issue with color assignment from material layer color assignments
      • Fixed an issue with missing scaling for error object wireframe generation
      • Change in behavior: if all object placements are missing, an error object is added to model but importing of individual objects is allowed
      • Fixed an issue with Invalid handling of scaled curves
    • DWG Plugin 1.53 
      • Updates from ODA Library 21.6
      • Fixed an issue where certain DXF files were not processed
      • Added support for US survey feet to enable correct alignment/placement of models 
      • Added support for importing all attributes attached to DWG entities (for example, for attributes in a BLOCKTABLE)
      • Fixed an issue where short lines in certain DWG files were missing from the import
      • Fixed an issue where some lines were not imported properly if there was a large collection of lines in the model root
    • StepIges Plugin 3.20
      • Updates from Open Cascade version 7.5.0
  • Optimization to minimize the GPU usage when the application is idle
  • Fixed an issue where the camera animation duration could not be set to longer than 10 seconds
  • Fixed an issue in the .TBP (BIMsight) package import where models with duplicate name in the package could not be imported
  • Fixed an issue where certain small or far away objects were hidden too early when zooming out
  • Fixed an issue where certain model alignment/placement was different in Connect for Windows than it was in Connect for Browser 3D Viewer
  • Fixed an issue in the TCD API WCF communication related to using localhost IP address instead of the real ethernet adapter IPv4 address 

Known temporary limitation regarding SketchUp 2021 support

At the time of writing, the SketchUp 2021 model format support is only available when the model files are uploaded using the Connect for Windows 1.11 application. If a SketchUp 2021 model file is uploaded using any other application, like the TC for Browser or the TC Sync applications, the file cannot be viewed in 3D in Trimble Connect. This is because the SketchUp 2021 conversion is only available in the local Windows application processing. We’re working to introduce the SketchUp 2021 conversion support also to the cloud processing as soon as possible.

Also note that until the SketchUp 2021 cloud processing support is introduced, it may be necessary to manually retry the model file conversion to view SketchUp 2021 models in the browser. Should you experience any problems with viewing SketchUp 2021 model files, make sure to run the “Retry file conversion” command from the Models panel in Connect for Windows 1.11. The command is visible in the context menu for project admins:




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01-18-2021 09:07

@Steven Clark​​ please note the new Trimble Connect for Windows patch release today that fixes the issue with clip planes and point clouds (link to release note)

01-04-2021 04:05

Hi @Steven Clark, thanks for the feedback. The clip plane should work with point clouds the same way as before. There is no functional change. This may be a software issue and we're currently investigating it. 

Best regards,

12-21-2020 15:18

I like being able to get a point coordinate, but my point cloud (laser scan) no longer clips to a clip plane. Is this a functional change?

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