Trimble support team are specialists with an engineering background and many years of experience in Quadri, Novapoint and related software systems. The support services are open workdays between 09:00 - 15:00, GMT+1. If you don’t have a support agreement, please contact your local dealer or send an email to:
===== Norwegian and international customer support =====
Planning and Design
Phone: +47 67 81 70 50
Phone: +46 31 700 19 30
===== Swedish customer support =====
Planning and Design and Geotechnical
Phone: +46 31 700 19 30
==== Danish customer support ====
Planning and Design and Geotechnical
Phone: +45 89 30 47 50
===== Trimble Connect Support =====
Trimble offers support for Trimble Connect and its associated products and services, in accordance with the following terms:
Web Support
The option provides our Support team with relevant information regarding your inquiry and typically provides the fastest means of support.
To submit a web-based support request visit: support form
Community Forum Support
This option provides a collaborative community site which allows customers to interact with Support and other users as well as access self-service functions (knowledge base, Forum, Web form, etc.).
For Community Forum Support visit: Trimble Connect Community Forum