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Using Search 

12-19-2016 11:38

Using Search

Using Search

Search can be used to search all projects (also called Global search) or to search within a project. Clicking on any of the search results will load the particular result, for instance if you have clicked on a 3D file then it will be opened in the 3D Viewer

A user can search for and filter by the following objects:
  • Projects
  • Folders
  • Files
  • ToDos
  • Releases
  • Snapshots/Views
  • Clashes
  • Users

Global Search

Global search allows you to search across all the projects you are part of (it is not region specific). To execute a search across multiple projects, use the Search button located in the header of the application starting on the project page. You can also click the Search other projects button on the search results page if you had executed a search inside a project. 

Note: If you are searching for files based off file attributes, you will not be able to use global search. 

To use global search
  1. Open Trimble Connect.
  2. From the projects page, click on the search button (located in the application header).
  3. The Search field will be displayed.
  4. Enter the search term.
  5. Hit the Enter key to run the search.
  6. The Search Results page will be displayed.
  7. You can also use the filters displayed on the page to refine your results.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Object names or titles Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
Object description Typing keywords or phrases from a ToDo description will return results
File extensions Searching for .PDF or .IFC for example will return results 
By tags  Use the tag operator to research for tags:
Quick Tip:

Use the back arrow to be taken back to where you were before you executed the search

Use the available filters to refine your results.

Filter Description
Projects Multi-selection of projects to search within is supported
Object type Folders, Files, ToDos, Releases, Views, Clashes
Modified date Today, Yesterday, Past 7 days, Past 30 days, Custom date range

The following operations can be done for the search results.

Operation Description
Delete1 Delete files2, folders, ToDos, views, Draft Releases from the project. Project delete is also supported.3
View single file Click on the file name to open the file in the 2D Viewer or in the 3D Viewer.
Export to Excel Export a list of files to Excel.
For more information, see Exporting File Lists
Checkin/Checkout4 Checkin or checkout files or files inside a folder.
For more information, see Change Control with Check In/Out

Searching within a Project

Searching within a project will allow you to narrow your search to just the active project you are in. 

To use project search
  1. Open a project in Trimble Connect.
  2. From inside the projects, click on the search button (located in the application header).
  3. The Search field will be displayed.
  4. Enter the search term.
  5. Hit the Enter key to run the search.
  6. The Search Results page will be displayed.
  7. You can also use the filters displayed on the page to refine your results.

Advanced Search5

You can search for files based on the file attributes values by clicking the Advanced Search text in the search header. 

You can search by 1 or all the file attributes that were defined in the file attributes template.

Use the available filters to refine your results.

Filter Description
Object type Folders, Files, ToDos, Releases, Views, Clashes
Modified date Today, Yesterday, Past 7 days, Past 30 days, Custom date range
File Attributes Filter by any of the custom file attribute values

The following mass operations can be done for the search results:

Operation Description
Delete6 Delete files7, folders, ToDos, views, Draft Releases from the project.
Download files Download files to your local computer.
Share files Share files to others.
View multiple files View files in the 2D Viewer or in the 3D Viewer.
Export to Excel Export a list of files to Excel.
For more information, see Exporting File Lists
Add multiple files to a Release Add files to a new or existing Release.
Add multiple files to a ToDo Add files to a new or existing ToDo.
Checkin/Checkout8 Checkin or checkout files or files inside a folder.
For more information, see Change Control with Check In/Out

Search Project Users

When searching in the Teams page, the users will be filtered instantly as you type. Hit the Search button to execute the search.

  • Tap on a user from the results page to see their detailed information.
  • Tap the X to close the search box.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
First Name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
Last Name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
Email address Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
  1. Dependent on users role or permissions in the project
  2. Files that are attached to ToDos or Releases cannot be deleted
  3. Some restrictions apply
  4. Dependent on users role or permissions in the project
  5. Dependent on users role or permissions in the project
  6. Files that are attached to ToDos or Releases cannot be deleted
  7. Dependent on users role or permissions in the project

Using Search

Search can be used to search all projects, or to search within a project.

Search is available for the following:
  • Projects
  • Data
  • Models
  • Model Objects
  • ToDos
  • Views

Search for a Project

You can search through your project library by using the search field. Only projects matching the search criteria are displayed in the library.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Project name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches.

Search the File Explorer

The File Explorer can be searched by using Search located in the upper right corner.

  • Pressing enter validates the entry, and File Explorer turns into a flat list, displaying only the folders/files corresponding to the applied filters.
  • Clicking Remove on the right side of the filter field clears all entries, and the File Explorer goes back to normal state.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Created by Results will be shown for files added by the user
Tags Results will be shown for files added with matching tags
File/Folder name Results will be shown for partial or full matches

Search the Models Tab

The Models Tab can be searched by using Search, located in the upper right corner.

  • Pressing ENTER validates the entry, and the Models Tab turns into a flat list, displaying only the model groups/models corresponding to the applied filters.
  • Combination of texts and tags can be used to cross filter the list and display only the model groups/models matching all search entries.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Created by Results will be shown for files added by the user
Tags Results will be shown for files added with matching tags
File/Folder name Results will be shown for partial or full matches

Search the Objects Tab

Objects can also be filtered by using the filter field. Only objects that are matching the search criteria will be shown in the Objects Tab.

  • The filter will search any of the object’s attributes, not just the ones used to group or sort the objects.
  • The filtering can be cleared by clicking the Remove button next to the filter field.
  • Once the filter field is cleared, all objects are grouped and sorted as prior to filtering them.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Object attributes Results will be shown for partial or full matches

Search ToDos

ToDos can also be filtered by using the search field. Only ToDos that are matching the search will be shown in the Objects Tab.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
ToDo Title Results will be shown for partial or full matches
ToDo Description Results will be shown for partial or full matches
Tags Results will be shown for matches
Assignee Results will be shown for matches
Author Results will be shown for matches

Search Views

Users can search the Views Strip and easily find created Views using the search field on the right side of the Views Strip.

  • When searching the Views Strip, only matching Views and groups are shown.
  • Opening a group also only shows matching Views within that group.
  • The Search can be cleared by clicking Remove next to it.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
View Title Results will be shown for partial or full matches

Using Search

Search can be used to search all projects, or to search within a project. Clicking on any of the search results will load the particular result, for instance if you have clicked on a 3D file then it will be opened in the 3D Viewer.

Search is available for the following:
  • Projects
  • ToDos
  • Views
  • Project Users

Search for a Project

When searching in the projects page, the projects will be filtered instantly as you type. Tap on a project from the results page to open the project or use the back arrow to clear the search and go back to showing all projects.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
Project name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
Created by user name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches

Search ToDos

When searching in the ToDo page, the ToDos will not be filtered instantly as you type. Hit the Search button to execute the search.

  • Tap on a ToDo from the results page to view the ToDo details.
  • Tap the back arrow to go back to showing all ToDos.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
ToDo Title Results will be shown for Partial or full matches.
ToDo Description Results will be shown for Partial or full matches

Search Views

When searching in the Views page, the Views will not be filtered instantly as you type. Hit the Search button to execute the search.

  • Tap on a View from the results page to open in the 2D or 3D Viewer.
  • Tap the Info button to see the View details
  • Select multiple Views from the results to delete, Add to a View Group or Add to a ToDo.
  • Tap the back arrow to go back to showing all Views.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
View Title Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
View Description Results will be shown for Partial or full matches

Search Project Users

When searching in the Teams page, the users will not be filtered instantly as you type. Hit the Search button to execute the search.

  • Tap on a user from the results page to see their detailed information.
  • Tap the back arrow to go back to showing all Projects Users.

Accepted Search Parameters

Parameter Description
First Name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches
Last Name Results will be shown for Partial or full matches

0 Favorited
0 Files

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