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Warning/Error messages 

05-31-2021 05:43

Warning/Error messages

We generally recommend to resolve any messages as soon as it is practical to do so to avoid the results having errors or issues that might give a wrong representation of the design for other disciplines in the project.

How to act to solve your messages 

Try to remember what changes you did to the road task that caused the messages to appear. There are probably something in that design change that caused the message. You may also try to turn different functions ON/OFF to see if the messages disappear in the [[.:..:..:ribbon_in_novapoint:design:settings:elements:start|Design > Settings]] function. Try to turn them all or some of them OFF and see if things improve.

If you cannot find the reason for the problems in a specific cross-section it may be because the model is using Boundaries on the left- or righthand side in the Road Surface description. Try turning OFF the boundaries found here: Design > Settings > Elements > Boundaries > **Road surface boundaries**.

The Road model calculation separate messages between:

- Warning
- Error
- Serious error

Furthermore there are error messages that may be related to the specific step in the road model calculation, where some may be related to the cross-section calculation (step 1), and others may be related to the updating process with the Quadri model (step 2 and/or step 3).

The error/warning messages are listed in alfabetical order below.
(The list is not complete)

0: Fail to connect features to alignment

Answer: The alignment is missing its linksequence. Check that the line feature in the Line task is of type 'LinearElement'.

  • If the line feature is 'LinearElement', then try to open the alignment in Alignment Design and do a minor change and save with 'OK-Draw'. It may fix it.
  • If it doesn't help or the line feature is not of type 'LinearElement', then make a new Line task with template 'Road Reference Line'. Then open the line in Alignment Design and save the geometry to this new Line task. Then refer to the new Line task from the Road task.

400002: Feature has too few points

Answer: The model is creating very narrow or small features in some situations with boundaries to alignments and when limiting the model to the same surface.

A road surface uses an alignment as surface edge. This alignment is also used to limit the road cross-section in 'Boundaries' in road surface description. Since the road cross-section is first building the full section before using the alignment as a limitation of the section there may exist surfaces of near 0m width. As the error message is just a notification to the user that it couldn't make the surface, and the surface is not really requested by the user, then the message can be ignored. User workaround: Limit the road cross-section to the road surface instead of the alignment in these areas.

400025: Coordinate reference system not defined

Answer:The error message can occur after share/receive with the Quadri server. Restart the project to remove the message. There is no issues in continuing working with this message.

400028: Surface edge split into two or more surfaces

Answer: Messages is from Quadri related to storing a surface to the model that had to be split into multiple surfaces before storing. The message can be ignored by the user.

Calculation not complete, too many sections (> 30000). Last section included is: XXXXX.XXX

Answer: There are more sections to be calculated than our defined limit. Consider to change the calculation interval and turn OFF calculating cross-section for every element change on alignments used as surface edge.

Cross section(s) incomplete as they have too much data: Please check calculation basis and illustration objects

Answer: Some data in the cross-section has been discarded because of too much data to handle. Typically this is related to very detailed triangulation of Groundsurface/Subsurface or many features in the cross-section(s). Check the cross-sections mentioned and consider reducing the data to view in the road cross-sections.

If it is necessary to see these data together with the road cross-section we recommend using a Cross-section task inside Quadri for Windows instead.

Ditch bottom cannot be linked to road bed

Answer: By default the road bed and pavement is connected to the ditch bottom when not using Detailed Pavement description. If the model only has defined a very narrow ditch, and the side of the road with narrow ditch does not have a road surface with pavement description on it, it may be too tight to be able to establish a roadbed to the ditch.

Add some road surfaces before the ditch or use Detailed Pavement description to define the road bed.

Incomplete description of .... / incomplete terrain data

Answer: Model doesn't know if it has enough terrain data because surface group 4, 5, 6 or 7 has insufficient description.
Roadmodel should always have at least one defined surface in each surface group on either side (even if they are limited with boundaries):

  1. Have you defined at least one surface with width 0.001m or greater inside surface group 4, 5, 6 and 7?
  2. Are surface group 5, 6 and 7 defined with 'To terrain' in all chainages with the message?
  3. Is the road model able to hit the terrain within the search width of the road terrain cross-section? You can turn of the boundary limitations inside 'Design > Settings > Elements > Road Surface Boundaries'. Or you may increase the search width inside 'Design > Settings > Elements > Terrain boundaries'.
  4. Is the terrain surface made from an XML with holes in the surface? View the terrain surface with the "Draw All" Presentation setup. Do you the terrain surface as one whole surface without many artifacts and holes?
  5. Do you have a very detailed terrain surface? F.ex. heavy laser scanning data? Then the data may take a shortcut in some instances.
  6. Try to decrease the search width (ofcourse not smaller than the road section) to have less data in the section.
  7. Filter the terrain section in 'Design > Settings > Terrain boundaries > Advanced > TURN ON 'Simplify terrain cross-sections' and use the values Horizontal = 0,01m, Vertical = 0,01m. You could also consider to increase the vertical value to 0,10m to have less details, as a test to see if it helps.
  8. If there are too much details then consider to do work on the terrain data in the model to have less detailed terrain

Insufficient vertical alignment. Starts before or ends after terrain data.

Answer: The alignment may exist outside of the terrain data and gives error messages related to this.

Landscaping imposs. 1 surf. inside road struct., L/R side 

Answer: Landscaping probably starts by crashing into the road surface, f.ex. starting at the shoulder edge and going out with a slope steeper than the ditch/fill slope. This way the Landscaping function cannot start its design.

Left road pavement description missing

Answer: Probably road surface thicknesses on this side is set to 'Inherit' thickness. Define a thickness in meters instead.

Line for this surface is within prev. surface

Answer: An alignment used as surface edge is located closer to the center of the road than the surface where it should be used exists.
Make sure that the alignment used as surface edge is located correctly so that there is room for the surfaces that are supposed to be placed on the inside of it, also when another surface is defined as a 'Free surface'.

Line for this surface is on the other side of the road

Answer: The alignment as surface edge is located on the other side of the road and tries to use that. If one alignment is detected on both sides of the road this needs to be split into two alignments.

Line for this surface does not cut the section 

Answer: Alignment used as surface edge does not exist in the specified cross-section.

Performance notification...

Answer: There are a few 'Performance notification'-messages that will show in different situations and what may cause it:
  • 'This task has a large number of cross sections (xxxxx). Please review calculation interval.'
    • Dense calculation interval
    • Many Alignment as Surface Edge, each with many elements. Turn OFF calculation of section for every change in element in the road model design settings.
  • On average, cross sections have much data. Please check calculation basis and illustration objects'
    • When the cross-sections for the whole model on average exceeds 1500 objects pr cross section the message will show.
    • Reduce the amount of data in the cross-section (typically construction/building from imported files)
    • To view these data we recommend using Cross section tasks inside Quadri for Windows.

Ref. surf. for vertical alignment missing. Use median line

Answer: The road surface defined to govern the elevation of the road in relation to the alignment elevation does not exist or is with 0.000m width. Road surface defined to set the elevation is marked in the description with **bold** surfacename.\\
To switch to another surface, then right-click the surface to use > Properties > Usage > Ref.surface for vertical geometry.

Reference surface edge line limit not found in this stn.

Answer: Error is related to a road surface used as boundary on either left/right side does not exist in this section. Either they are not defined, the width is set to 0.000m, or they do not exist in this situation (f.ex. a ditch surface not existing in a fill situation).

Right road pavement description missing 

Answer: Probably road surface thicknesses on this side is set to 'Inherit' thickness. Define a thickness in meters instead.

Road bed affects road pavement, left/right side 

Answer: Check the section to find issues with the road bed. The error may be related to the 'Detailed Pavement' description if some of the subsurfaces are not described correctly in these areas, f.ex. missing slope on a subsurface.

Road surface table full, left/right side

Answer: Error is related to internal tables for calculation. This message is normally related to rock stripping in combination with very detailed terrain.

  • Try turning ON 'Design > Settings > Terrain boundaries > Advanced > Simplify terrain cross-sections'.
  • Use a steeper soilcut slope in the areas for rock stripping to make it go over in a soil cut at an earlier point.

Sodding table is full on left/right side

Answer: Error is related to the internal tables for calculation. This message is related to the inner slope that follows terrain gets full. Probably the project has very detailed terrain data, or the fill is large.
Try turning ON 'Design > Settings > Terrain boundaries > Advanced > Simplify terrain cross-sections'.

Step completed with error, code -1

Answer: ...

Step completed with error, code -5

Answer: The road task does not have access to change the result features on the task because of write-protection. This typically could happen when the task tries to delete the old data. Try to Release and Reserve the task again, or Share and Release your data to the Quadri Server, Disconnect Workset, and download a new workset from the Quadri Server.

Step completed with error, code -10

Answer: Cross-setions are not generated from the road model. Cannot make the 3D result model. Error may be related to the message: 'Insufficient vertical alignment. Starts before or ends after terrain data.'

Step completed with error, code -101

Answer: ...

Step completed with error, code -108

Answer: Conversion rules for converting and creating result features does not handle all the data from the road model. Send the log file (CTRL+SHIFT+F12) to support with steps to repeat so we can check what is the problem.

Step completed with error, code -202 

Answer: Read and/or write error to the DMI/DMR files. Check the files that they are present for the project. Try to export the XML indata parameter file from 'Design > Import/Export' on the task and read it back into a new road task to solve the problem.

Step not completed because of errors in the cross-sections 

Answer: Applies when the road cross-section calculation registers errors or serious errors. In these cases the 3D results are not stored/updated (in step 2). Warning is given in the Process Info. To still produce the 3D results turn on 'Ignore errors' in the road task, a checkbox between 'Preview' and 'Finish'.

Unable to establish terrain profile at this chainage 

Answer: Error is related to missing terrain data. Ref. alignment may be outside of the terrainsurface along the road model. The 'Calculation Basis' may miss some data as a result of changes in calculations in 'Ground Surface' tasks or changes in 'Collection' tasks.

VipsInterface unknown error -200 

Answer: Probably related to missing or corrupt road model files. Error may occur when the model crashes or there is slowness in the read/write-process with external file servers/Dropbox etc. This is a potential critical situation for the road task and data may get lost if not doing the correct steps. You need to retreive backup files in some way to resolve the issue.

  • Quadri Server projects: DO NOT SHARE TO SERVER. Ask a colleague send you the roadmodel files as DMI/DMR or input XML by exporting from the road task.
  • Local project: If you do not have a backup of the project you may have some backup solutions within your company. Contact your IT for help to retreive some backup files.

The files you receive must be read into a new road task as the road task with the corrupted files does not work any longer.

TIP: The problem with corrupted/missing files in this way should be solved with Novaoint 2020.FP1, but will not fix already corrupted files. If you experience this issue in NP2020.FP1 or newer versions we would like to hear from you on support!

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