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Windows Mobile Device Center won't run on latest Windows 10 OS 

06-06-2017 17:17

Windows Mobile Device Center Connection Issues with Windows 10
The latest Windows 10 PC builds have been found to have issues running Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC). WMDC may not work with the recently released Windows 10 version 1703, or any subsequent Windows 10 versions. This support note has recommendations and troubleshooting options to address WMDC connection issues resulting from incompatibility of WMDC and Windows 10.
A Registry editing tool for the PC OS is available to address the current known issue with Windows 10 version 1703 and can be downloaded from here. Instructions on how to use it are available in the Support Note below.
Support Note last updated August 2020 to link to the WMDC installs (as Microsoft removed them from their websites).
Note: Windows 10 will install WMDC if there is an Internet connection on the PC when a connection is made to a device via USB (but it may take some time, and multiple restarts may be necessary if lots of Updates also need to be applied). 

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09-10-2020 15:54

Thanks - Doing things the Microsoft Way is not always helpful. You just saved me from abandoning expensive equipment and yesterday's acquired survey data. NOMAD file access worked with your suggestions.

08-19-2020 05:22

Just to update. No issues with Mobile Device Center and TSC3's with Windows 10 2004 OS build 19041.450

02-03-2020 05:57

As of today, the latest version of Windows 10 1909 OS build 18363.592 has no problem connecting to a TSC3. Developer mode has had no impact on connections for me.

01-29-2020 08:50

i have not tried connecting a TSC3 to window 10 last begining of 2019.  has there been any chagning to the TSC connection to windows 10?

i recentlty discovered the "Developers Mode" in wondows 10 and curious if that will have an affect on the connection.

10-14-2019 13:10



You can install it from here


If you can't connect review this Support Note

10-13-2019 22:40

WMDC is not installed on Windows 10 version 1809. Are there any solutions to this problem?

10-25-2018 00:38

If your mobile is not working after the latest update on windows 10 then it means that it is not properly installed in your device. If you are using windows 10 store and getting any error code while installing or updating then you may visit this link 0x80070422 to resolve this error code.

04-05-2018 20:17

Great to hear - I've updated the steps in my post to clarify the USB to PC setting change is done on the Mobile device.

04-05-2018 20:11

Cheers Brendon! That worked perfectly. Just a note for others reading this: I have run full Windows 10 updates today (6th April 2018) and followed the instructions above. Note that step 5 is done on the Windows Mobile Device side under Settings->Connections->USB to PC. Also I have full admin rights for my laptop.

04-05-2018 18:31

The Support Note originally posted has the critical steps. We did create a utility that automates the Registry edit required for Build 1709. 


Our standard process to resolve a Windows Mobile device not connecting to Windows 10 is:

  1. Verify that WMDC is installed on the PC
  2. Check that the latest .Net driver for WMDC is installed. Download the update from here if necessary: 64-bit or 32-bit 
  3. Run the registry tool
  4. Then connect the handheld
  5. And if that doesn't work, on the Windows Mobile Device side under Settings->Connections->USB to PC, uncheck the Enable Advanced Network Functionality option

04-05-2018 16:59

"Hi Paul - the latest troubleshooting steps have been able to get everyone connected so far"


Which steps are you referring to here Brendon?

04-05-2018 16:57

A new laptop just landed on my desk so I'm trying to get it working. If it doesn't work, I'll need to send it back and get it wound back to Windows 7.

04-05-2018 16:53

Hi Paul - the latest troubleshooting steps have been able to get everyone connected so far. Trimble had the 1709 updates installed last week across our Windows 10 machines and we had to use the 'fixes' ourselves to get WMDC going again. 

04-05-2018 16:49


I see you are at build 1709. curious, did you use the procedures found in this thread when you were at Windows version 1703, and now the same do not work now?  I have not moved to version 1709 yet.  

04-05-2018 16:40

I'm running Windows 10 Build 1709 with the latest updates and have tried a number of fixes from this thread and online. Still can't get the device to connect. If anyone on has had success recently, please comment.

02-28-2018 09:57

Note - The support .PDF document link provided will not display in Microsoft Edge, it does open in IE 11.

02-27-2018 19:06

The Trimble Mapping & GIS Product team have released a Windows Mobile app that allows converting the USB connection method from ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device Center to Mass Storage on the Geo 7, Geo 6000 and Juno 3 Windows Embedded Handhelds. This will suit the GPS Pathfinder Office or Trimble Positions users that want to set up Data Transfer to transfer files to/from the SD card on their device and bypass Windows Mobile Device Center. 


See this Support Note for more details.

01-21-2018 22:45

There is a Windows 10 "Mobile", but nobody buys it! There is one, though: HP Elite x3 

And this is the only one with #windows10mobile.


Following this issue on different forums, it is a huge issue. There are still a lot of devices around, which are relaying on #wddc. Here are the latest information I found about the above issue:



Here is the most current suggest workflows to fix the Windows 10 and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) Connection Issues


New Windows 10 machine


Windows 10 with existing installation of WMDC

12-21-2017 17:22


Good point on complaining to Windows, but what we are hearing from Department of Interior security staff is even if the WMDC, did come back in its current form it would still be dis-allowed in our federal systems.  I don't think this is unique to feds - like to hear other folks weigh in.  So, once we do ask our IT to fix this, they are beginning to say no.  

Windows I think could fix/enhance the WMDC, and its worth a shot to contact them.


Still, doesn't Trimble buy a the embedded Windows mobile from Microsoft, and hence be a better leverage for getting something that works, or circumvents WMDC altogether?   You also have admin privileges on your PC. Many in outlying offices don't,, and if we could get IT to conduct the fix, this is a hard fix to implement.  Federal versions of Windows released as images are not what the public sees.  So, were in a bit of pinch from all sides, where a surveyor working from his home doesn't see this as an issue.


PFO workflows are also different than Survey workflows with Access/TBC.  A ssf file is not one file, but multiple ones.  I 'm not picking up a job file, containing all files linked, i have to swim thru a folder which is not organized at all, and copy files, folders.  Do this with a typical scenario when 3 Rovers doing 3 different jobs, and you have a colossal mess - one that is entirely solved in DTU workflows.  And this is all from an SDHC card on some devices - take the Juno for instance.  remove battery cover, remove battery, unlock card cover, release card with tweezers, and reverse this procedure for copying files.  All exposing the innards of what was a sealed trimble.  Even the rubber doors on a Geo's SD card slot are not all that secure.  Doing this every time over a course of a summer, in rugged conditions is risking exposure of the device.


Unless Trimble tells me its impossible, I think enhancing the DTU to see inside Trimble's mapping grade mobile fleet connected via USB is a fine idea to circumvent WMDC (deprecated by windows many years ago), a non-secure portal, and work thru what already exists for dozens of other devices in the Devices list inside DTU.


Still, like this conversation.  Keep it up.



12-21-2017 13:14

DISCLAIMER: This viewpoint is my own, based on tech industry knowledge. This doesn't represent the views of Trimble or my employer.


Here is my total "I build my own computers and could write my own software" side of this story... and the fact that I'm someone who's going to tell it like it is.


1. There are three main mobile platforms: Windows, Android, iOS

  • Windows was the first mobile platform that was adopted for field devices (remember how awesome WindowsCE was?) - everything has been written for them. We were suppose to get "Windows 10S" at some point, that would replace WEHH, but Microsoft scrapped this back in May-ish?! So a new WIN mobile platform is not coming; it would have made life simpler.
  • Android has always been deemed "risky" by IT departments, because it's easily hack-able. This would be my choice for mobile platform, but it's only been truly mature as an OS for the past 4-5 years. My biggest question is, could it even run a program as complex as Access? Probably, but I would reckon that Access has more lines of  code than all the apps I currently have installed on my phone, combined.
  • iOS only runs on overpriced yuppie devices. I can only imagine what a field controller would cost if it had an Apple logo on it.

2. The registry batch file works on 100% of the PC's I use. Talk to your IT department if you're having issues: they are a support role, you're a revenue generating role.

3. Again, the registry batch file works. You can also use a thumb drive with a TSC3 (which is how I've "personally" been transferring files for the past year) or an SD card with a Geo. Both these methods are easier than using a cable. Keep in mind this will be the way files will need to be transferred with a Windows 10 device - you can't do machine to machine with a cable. In other words, get used to using removable media or cloud based transfer.

4. Call Microsoft and tell them to re-enable WMDC because they canned Windows 10S. I swear to god, Redmond needs to be reminded that they still have a monopoly on desktop operating systems and they need to stop disabling older tech as part of their scheme of moving everyone to the cloud and compete with Google and Apple. In terms of a permanent solution, only Microsoft can provide this and we must put our voices as consumers behind Trimble, or any other manufacturer using WEHH (Trimble isn't the only company out there with this problem).


Here are my thoughts: Everyone needs to yell at Microsoft. Think of it this way, 100 people complain to Trimble, Trimble talks to Microsoft - 100 voices are now reduced to just one. 100 Windows 10 users call Microsoft to complain, Microsoft might take notice... if you do this and they come back with "use a different device", ask them why they canned development of their mobile platform to replace WEHH. As it stands, we are all running the latest version of a Windows mobile operating system.

12-19-2017 13:30

I too am generally a little perplexed by this issue. I tried to find an explanation from Trimble somewhere on the internet and Googling this topic lands on this thread. It would be great to hear Trimble's side of the story. 

  • Why are they using an almost 9-year-old unsupported mobile software and still selling it attached to hardware for thousands of dollars? 
  • Are customers still buying a GPS for $6995.00 and told that they'll have to edit their registry and hope it works? 
  • How is there not a software tool that is Win10/WM6.5 compatible to help us get data off these expensive devices? 
  • Is there a plan at all to address this need, or just work around hacks for the foreseeable future? 


Thank you.

12-19-2017 13:29

I agree that Trimble and Microsoft need to work this issue out together, or that Trimble needs to find a way to bypass WMDC. My program currently manages around $100,000 worth of Trimble gear, but they are already starting to replace those with iOS and Android devices. These devices provide a simple solution to the WMDC issue. It's still a huge cost to replace all of our Trimble devices, which we would rather not do, but will if it means saving time and money on our end and reducing the headaches that come with having to find work-arounds.

12-19-2017 10:45

Ben Roberts - I feel your pain.  Hacking registry is not cool and I need my job too.  


I've suggested to Trimble (maybe folks can LIKE MY IDEA) to bypass WMDC al-together.  These are windows devices after all, and to expose them as a device thru USB.  Then, upgrade the DTU data transfer utility to "see" any of these devices, to allow common data traffic.  I would think the Survey gear would be a similar situation, to expose them in the explorer window of TBC too.


I can't understand why dragging and dropping every file is Trimble's solution since June.  On any given mapping project, I have DDF's, SSF files, Jpgs, to get my job done.  Taking out the SD card from inside a weatherproof IP6 rated $7000 device is not cool either.


Richard, that error is new to me.  My particular OS when activating .NET framework wants to install software, but I can't.  I have full admin privileges too, but running the install in silent mode is not working.  


We need a new plan from Trimble to bypass WMDC altogether, last updated in 2012 by windows and long deprecated.



12-08-2017 11:23

When I run the WMDCRegistryUpdate.exe as Administrator it returns a 'System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error.


This is after .Net Framework 3.5 was turned back on.

12-06-2017 17:53


It hit me this weekend the simplest way around WMDC is to circumvent the need for WMDC to sync with a Windows Embedded device.   Garmins, iPhones, other common devices that can be purchased with a USB cord can be seen in a Windows envirnoment as a "Drive Letter" or Drive, or Connected device.  Now, couldn't Trimble come up with a way to make the Trimble device seen as a drive letter (easiest to pick up in Data Transfer Utility as a PC Card device or GIS folder), or at least browsable.


I learned today, there does exist a CAB file designed for some devices, and by running this CAB file on a Trimble, the device can be recognized natively in Windows.


Can you please expose this finding on this public forum.  Could your team not only get a CAB file for all your fleet, and at the same time, add new DEVICES in the Data transfer utility.  I don't know how you are handling the TDC100, but are you not going to have to modernize the Data transfer utility for the modern fleet which, i'm assuming are going to be android, or Win10 devices.



12-05-2017 10:28

I'm responsible for a dozen or so devices. We are not looking to upgrade or purchase Trimble software or hardware until this issue is resolved. We have a large sunk cost but security requirements are non-negotiable with our IT folks.  Lack of effort by both Trimble and Microsoft to fix this is going to result in us moving to Android based equipment, which is updated regularly, and stand alone receivers. 

11-17-2017 15:50


OS catastrophic break is not in future.  It is here.  I get this feeling that Trimble is willing to drop thousands of its devices (many still marketed right now) and give us options to hack a registry, or email us our own files.  Gale mentions the cumbersome file, copy solutions.  Been there - done that. These are not solutions, but all hacks when USB connection via Data Transfer is shutdown.


This registry hack is also not an option for those on federal government computers and what about those with no admin solutions.  We literally have hundreds of employees across our service with few options because of a reticence to solve this with Microsoft.


Other solutions including copying files to / from SD cards negates the whole principle of file flagging, linked files that has been richly developed in TerraSync, Positions, TBC workflows.  So, its going to be our job to reconnect those linked files I just shot with the TSC3, Geo or Juno? 


I hope Trimble is communicating today with Microsoft (Seattle) who has not updated WMDC since VISTA.  This security hole is significant enough were hearing impending doom with all Windows Mobile products.  TSC3's, Junos, Geo's will turn into Bricks.  Many of us have ceased buying anything running windows Mobile.  


What is your company solution to prevent this catastrophe on existing product lines and giving us something we can evaluate and move too?


Joel Cusick

11-14-2017 20:02

Thanks for the tip on your post " A Registry editing tool for the PC OS is available to address the current known issue with Windows 10 version 1703 and can be downloaded from here"  

The download you provided worked and I can now connect as before my TSC2 to my PC via usb or " windows mobile device"  Hopefully there is a work around for future updates . Thanks again




06-15-2017 11:13

I ran into this issue and the Support Notes got me up and running again. However, today I have just upgraded my computer to a new NVMe M.2 SSD drive and have reinstalled Windows 10 Creator from a disk I created using Windows Media Creation tool. Now, with a fresh Windows install, I cannot get my Ranger TSC to connect at all. I've checked and rechecked all the settings and fixes mentioned in the Support Notes but it still won't connect. My old installation of Windows was 2 years old and slowly upgraded with every new update. I never really used WMDC to connect, I just plugged in my Ranger and used Windows Explorer to navigate to my Jobs folder and copied the files I needed back and forth between my PC and Ranger. When I plug my Ranger into the USB cable, the computer makes that sound that signifies the computer recognizes it, but it doesn't appear in File Explorer. I do have WMDC installed, it runs but also will not connect with the Ranger. Looks like I may have to re-attached my old boot drive and use the old installation, until there's a better fix for this. 


06-11-2017 16:01

If someone were to be stuck and couldn't get WMDC going via the Registry changes or a future OS has a catastrophic break, in addition to the SD card option that Gale shared, there's also the TerraSync email option. Network & Internet connections via WiFi are some other options. 

06-09-2017 07:14

Chris - it is more cumbersome than using direct Data Transfer with a USB cable connection as intended - but another workaround can be to copy the raw data to an SD card on the handheld.  Then, on the PC, use the Data Transfer utility with a connection to a new "GIS Folder" Device class pointed to the SD card.  

06-09-2017 03:13

Thanks guys for making this fix available, finally looks like I can now reconnect to our mobile field devices again. Cheers Pete

06-08-2017 21:53

Thanks Brendon for the info very useful, is there any alternative solutions for PFO users? 

06-08-2017 11:49

It would be nice if we can get an update for windows 10, in the update part of TBC, to deal with this problem.

06-08-2017 09:37

...clients were starting to hit this pretty regularly too - glad there's a fix!

06-06-2017 23:41

Geez, thanks muchly. I was going crazy with some computers that won't detect any TSC3 or Juno.

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