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WorksOS Release Notes - February 2023 

02-08-2023 14:50

New & Improved
This Trimble® WorksOS release includes these new features and enhancements:

Machine Data
View and report on machine analytics - WorksOS now enables you to remotely monitor job sites in real-time. The application shows when a machine that is using Trimble Earthworks machine control is working or idle so its individual status can be observed in the office. You can view analytics for any machine that has reported data into your project.
Using the existing production data from the machines, WorksOS can report daily productivity metrics on a per-machine, per day basis for all machines on the project. This feature provides direct visibility on how much data was reported-in from the field to the office on a per-machine basis.
Machine analytics also go further than just providing visibility into data; they can start to analyze and aggregate that data into the various states that a machine might encounter in a day. Machine analytics can be viewed at an individual machine level for a single day or up to all machines reporting-in on the project for up to a week.
Report categories include:
● Start/end times per day
● Running time
● Working/moving time of the bucket/blade/drum
● Stationary/idle times
● Using automatics
A weekly or daily machine productivity CSV report detailing when the machine was working or idle can also be generated for a deep-dive into each machine's on-site productivity. This report can be used for billing based on usage and validation of machine control.

Progress Volumes
Calculate Work Completed progress from a survey - Work completed on the Progress Volumes page can now calculate progress from any surveyed surface. These surveyed surfaces must be imported as a TTM file into WorksOS. The survey date is used to automatically calculate the change between the survey and the current surface for each day. This view provides a quick way to understand the change in the volumes from a known starting point over time.
See activity-based progress volumes - You can now view the Work Remaining value for any created activity (the Work Remaining widget now appears for all cut, fill, and cut/fill activities). Within progress volumes, the entire history of activity progress is now shown, along with the start and end dates, design name, total estimated quantity, target and actual working rates, and working days. This view allows you to view trends over the activity’s timeline. The activity shown can be easily changed using a drop-down list. The table view provides a numerical view with a CSV file download option, while the map gives a current or historic view of the cut/fill map for the work remaining.

Logic Changes and Upgrades
Select a machine design for an activity - A toggle has been added to activity creation to allow for the use of a machine design (from the field) to be matched to an activity that contains the same design in WorksOS. This allows for the separation of overlapping work. The logic (when enabled) is automatic, based on the name of the design; this accounts for slight variations and version updates. The list of designs that have been matched can be viewed within the Map Page filters when clicking through from the Activity Dashboard.
Note: When using machine design matching, surveyed surface imports are disabled. Only the initial survey for the activity is used to create a composite surface with machine data. Changing the map filters will remove this behavior.
Toggle imported surveyed surfaces - A toggle that has been added to the Imports section within WorksOS that allows you to toggle on/off all surveyed surface imports at once. This will work for all surveys that are not actively used as part of any Activity Setup.

WorksOS also deployed fixes for reported or discovered cases in which:
● There are no critical bug fixes to mention for this release.

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