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WorksOS Release Notes - July 2022 

07-29-2022 10:30

New & Improved

This WorksOS release includes these new features and enhancements:

Import/Export/Data Exchange

  • Import data from Trimble Connect - You can now explore a Trimble Connect project and import certain applicable file types (.dxf, .tiff, .ttm) from it for use in WorksOS. This feature works for all projects in Connect and WorksOS. 


  • See work remaining for an entire activity - By default, the Work Remaining widget on the Activity page shows the last seven days of work. Now, if you click the Work Remaining widget for an activity, you can see the work remaining for the entire activity. While in this view, you can select a different activity to see the work remaining “burndown” for it. 


  • Increased granularity of volume map tiles - In the last release, the Volumes Tolerance granularity was increased to 0.001 m/0.003 ft, meaning that these small changes are included in the volume calculation. This applied to the Cut, Fill and Coverage Area figures in a Volumes Calculation. Now this increased granularity to the Cut/Fill tolerances can be set in Project Settings to show these more accurate volumes consistently in the calculations AND in the Map View.

Machine Data Playback

  • Play back machine data - You can now play video of where a machine (such as a compactor, dozer, or excavator running Trimble Earthworks or Groundworks) worked on site over a time period to see which of that machine’s data is valid for processing in WorksOS. Play back a short period of automatically imported machine data (TAG files) for a single, specific machine to see where it worked and other information (such as whether the data is valid or invalid for use) about the data being consumed in WorksOS. 


  • View and export a resource details list - You can now see the information last reported in from assets (machines and devices) in a project:
    • Name
    • Serial number
    • Last reporting time
    • Description
    • Active design
    • Field software

Project Members

  • See Pending status for a project member - The Project Members page now shows which members have not accepted their invitation to the current account. Their status is shown as Pending.

Progress Volumes

  • See progress volume details by day - Within Progress Volumes View, you can now click a bar and then View Time-related on map in the pop-up for any individual day in the chart to get a ‘snapshot’ of that day’s progress volumes in the Map View, including:
    • Total volumes
    • Total fill
    • Total cut
    • Number of machines - Click the link to open the Contributing Machines pane for the names of the machines. This can help you understand why some days are more productive than others. This feature lets you easily see where work in the chart was done for specific days. The Progress Volumes View is dynamic, so if you apply a filter with different days, the map will update.


WorksOS also deployed fixes for reported or discovered cases in which:

  • There are no critical bug fixes to mention for this release.

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Uploaded - 07-29-2022

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