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TML - AssignNameFromLayer

By Gary Lantaff posted 11-29-2018 08:30


This TML can be used to name line objects using the name of the objects layer. You just select the line to name and enter a name "mask". 

You specify the new name using a name mask. If "{L}" is included in the new name, the layer name will replace that. Using "{N}" will insert previous name. So if you enter something like " L={L} old={N}" you will get something like "L=MyLayer old=OldName"

If you just want the name of the object to be the layers name, use "{L}" for name mask. (don't add quote characters)


By default, lines with an existing name will be skipped but you can "uncheck" the "Ignore lines with a name" option and all lines will have their name assigned.


An option to add a text label at the mid-point of the line has been added. The text will be the line's new name.


1 comment



04-21-2020 06:30

what is this addition and how do we use it? Thanks