TBC Macros and Extensions

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Introducing: Accupoint TML Development

By Nelson Hays posted 02-12-2020 08:16



Hi All


We are happy to announce that we are throwing our hat into the ring.  Accupoint has engaged with Revenant Solutions to bring a few Macros to the market, beginning with a focus on Field Data Prep and Takeoff workflows.  


We are excited to release our first 3 TMLs shortly. Each will have it's own blog post here on the forum, following Gary Lantaff's standard.  Each release will be in Beta, with a semi-open invitation for testers.  Simply request a temporary license and give it a shot.  


Please feel free to hit me up with any questions, comments or requests on our products.  



Nelson Hays




12-18-2020 17:39

Hi  @Nelson Hays

I would love to try them out.

If I could request a temp licence it would be great.


02-13-2020 15:09

Thanks Gareth, I'll add you to the list.

02-12-2020 18:37

It was only at matter of time before the TML community started expanding out.


Hoping to write our own one day!


@Nelson Hays be keen to see what your TMLs can do if you can please grant me a temp license

02-12-2020 08:18

That's fantastic! Glad to see you have taken off with the TMLs. Great way to bring additional benefits to construction workflows. Keep up the good work!