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TML - TMLStatus

By Peter Kistler posted 06-20-2019 11:01


TMLStatus is a TML written by Rockpile Solutions to manage registered TMLs from within Trimble Business Center. It allows you to find registered TMLs and easily install and / or update them. 

The link TMLStatus will download the TMLStatus installation program. This is the only thing you need run outside of Trimble Business Center. By providing this as an installation package, you are free from having to download, navigate, install, and unblock the files needed to run TMLStatus.

All of the latest versions of Trimble TMLs are registered as well as TMLs written by Rockpile Solutions. To install or update a TML, check the box next to the TML you are interested in. You can select more than one and they can be from different providers / authors. 

Once you have made all of your selections, press the Update button.  TMLStatus will retrieve the selected TMLs and install the latest version on your system. TMLStatus will automatically "Unblock" the TML if it is required, a step that is easily overlooked if you manually download and install a TML. Lastly, it will let you know if you need to restart TBC to access the TML.


The Author column within TMLStatus indicates the person or company that produced the TML. The Installed version indicates the version currently installed in TBC.  The Latest Version indicates the latest version registered with Rockpile Solutions.  The Status field is a quick indication in a TML is up to date or not.


The Licensed column will indicate if a license is required to run the selected TML.  TMLStatus itself does not require a license to run. To run a Licensed TML, you will need to have a Trimble Connect account and be registered with Rockpile Solutions.




05-18-2020 14:05

Thank you. We’ll try it and let you know how it works.







Thank You,



100% Employee Owned


Chris Bayliff \ Machine Control Specialist \ Trimble Connect Manager


6330 Commerce Drive, Suite 150

Irving, TX 75063

214.596.7300 (O)  | 972.841.0583 (C)



05-18-2020 14:02



Try adding to the whitelist.  


We have another customer that is having issues connecting to the Rockpile Solutions services through their proxy.  We are working on it and hope to have a solution soon.


Please contact me at peter.kistler@rockpilesolutions.com if the whitelisting doesn't work or if you have any questions.




05-18-2020 08:30

My Company utilizes a web proxy filter called Z scaler and it's being blocked by our proxy. Can you tell us what needs to be whitelisted in order for this to work without any issues?

11-27-2019 17:24

Thanks for the quick response Peter

I just reinstalled the TML Status, rebooted the computer and used another internet connection.

Now connected and TML's have been updated, all working fine.


Excellent support, thank you.



Nick Murphy

11-27-2019 16:48

Hi Nick,


Chances are you managed to find one of those brief windows when the website was down. Could you try going to the Rockpile Solutions website to see if it's working.  If it's down, wait 5-10 minutes and try again.  If it's not down and you still have a problem connecting, please contact me at peter.kistler@rockpilesolutions.com and I can help troubleshoot the problem.




11-27-2019 16:37


I am setting up my account, I have trimble connect profile established in TBC, have also registered with Rockpile, have the TML Status icon in the Macro bar, but when I click the icon I get a message: 



followed by: 



I have internet connection, and tried 3 ways in total, in case it was connection speed related (network cable, wifi, and hotspot through different connections.)


I have also restarted TBC and the computer. 


Also followed the installation instructions to a t.


Any tips appreciated.


Nick Murphy

07-18-2019 20:28

That‘s great!

07-17-2019 10:13

This is great! Thanks for making this.