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View & Download Field Control Points

By Vijay Raghunathan posted 04-21-2022 01:27


You can now View & Download ‘Field Control Points’ measured in the field with any data collector from Worksmanager.

View field control points: You can view the field control points for any data collector by selecting ‘Field Control Points’ from the drop down list on the ‘Field Data’ page (Project Devices -> Select data collector device -> Field Data - View -> Field Control Points).
View project device

Select field control points from drop down

View field control points

Download field control points:
You can download the field control points to your desktop by selecting the file and clicking the ‘Download’ button. 
Download field control points




05-07-2022 22:22

Matt, we don't have a notification system yet. Its there in the roadmap, its going to take some time though. Apologies for the inconvenience.

04-29-2022 14:12

Is there a notifier to when field control points are added? We use TCC and when the field.control.csv shows up in the folder, that's our trigger to process the points into the main  We then delete the field control file.  This workflow prevents duplicates when using multiple controllers on one site.  It also allows all controllers to have the same field measured control point.