Trimble Education Community

Welcome to the Trimble Education Community!

This public online community is for faculty, instructors, and staff in Trimble's education community*, including Trimble Technology Lab (TTL) university network members.

You are in the right place to learn Trimble technologies and how educators are innovating with these tools in their teaching and research. With this community, you can:

  • dive into product workflows and capabilities in industry and product communities
  • start a discussion with other educators about how to make the most of Trimble products at your institution
  • see news and updates from across the Trimble education community
  • and learn about upcoming events for Trimble education users

For any specific inquiries to Trimble Education & Outreach, contact

*Eligible community members have a Trimble ID email account affiliated with an educational institution. 

Resources to help use the site:
Getting Started Guide
Helpful FAQs
Participation Guidelines

Announcements List

  • Unisinos in Brazil opens the newest Trimble Technology Lab

    Congratulations to the newest Trimble Technology Lab at Unisinos, one of Brazil's leading technical universities.

    The university opened two TTL spaces at two campuses (Ponto Alegre and São Leopoldo) with an inauguration event on 12 April. Trimble technology has already been integrated into the curricula for architecture, urban planning, and civil engineering. Thanks to Trimble Brazil team members (including Lara Teixiera, @Flavia Padoam, @Fatima Goncalves, @Carlos Costa, and others) for their support for the TTL and the opening event.


  • Purdue University joins the TTL Community

    We are excited to welcome Purdue University to the Trimble Technology Lab consortium!

    This TTL has been established in partnership with Purdue Polytechnic’s School of Construction Management Technology (CMT) with Dr. Nicholas Dib as the faculty champion. 

    Purdue has been a longtime partner with Trimble so we are glad to have them join the TTL community. Many thanks for Dr. Dib and his colleagues for their help in establishing this TTL at Purdue. 

Upcoming Events List

Latest Discussions List

  • Here's what we are doing at UMass Amherst : We have a blog site where we post user stories and have links to resource documents: In addition, we have a main program lab page that also has borrowing information ...

    1 person recommends this.
  • Some Trimble product teams have created product IT accessibility documentation. You can view the VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates) for these products here. VPAT and Accessiblity Conformance Report (ACR) standards are set by the United ...

  • Profile Picture

    Research Collaborations

    Do you have any research topics that you are currently working on or considering for future work that could benefit from a collaborating partner? This space is for sharing research ideas and identifying possible collaborators among the TTL university ...

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    Lab Website

    Have you used a website for your TTL to share information about the technology available for instructors and students at your university? Who creates and manages the website? Do you post updates about events and other initiatives hosted in the TTL on ...

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    License Management

    What systems and tools have you used for managing your university's Trimble software licenses? ------------------------------ Mike Engh ------------------------------

Recent Shared Files List

  • The TTL at University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) created a set of documents to assist students in ...