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How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

  • 1.  How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

    Posted 10-09-2023 08:26

    Any way to use the pipes/structures created with the utility module in Siteworks? I'm not even sure what the intended purpose of the utility module is, it's quite the process to build out a utility network and the only use is takeoff quantities? Maybe trench models for field use would be useful, but I doubt the utility module is the most efficient way to build them.

    If anyone here uses the utility module beyond takeoff quantities I'd be interested to know what you use it for.   

    Matthew Judice

  • 2.  RE: How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

    Posted 10-10-2023 09:40

    HI Matthew,

    Siteworks does not currently support utility networks.  It's something on the roadmap for better support to be able to visualize, query, stake, and "inspect" a TBC utility model, but for now there's not much that Siteworks is able to do with the network, other than visualize and stake the trench surfaces if you include those in the design... 

    Others smarter than me in the community can probably describe some of the more value added uses of utility networks in TBC. 

    Steve DiBenedetto

  • 3.  RE: How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

    Posted 10-11-2023 11:28

    It's very efficient for culverts with trenches. It can make the width of the trench variable based on diameter of pipe, which a corridor cannot. 

    Nelson Hays

  • 4.  RE: How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

    Posted 10-12-2023 09:31

    The trench models are by far the most efficient way I've ever come across for creating production ready models of drainage lines for machine control.

    It was originally designed for tendering and is still more geared that way but it is incredibly useful, especially on sites where I have 200+ manholes to model.

    If you want me to go through my workflow I'd be more than happy to run you through how I do it.


    Matthew Pitt

  • 5.  RE: How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

    Posted 08-02-2024 05:10

    Hi Matt,

    My company are just beginning to look into modelling the drainage/utility lines for machine control, as well as use it for our takeoffs. Could you please share your workflow with me, it would be much appreciated.


    Steven Todd

  • 6.  RE: How Can The Utility Module Be Used?

    Posted 10-13-2023 07:25

    Hi Matthew

    We have a lot of clients that are using the utility module not only for pipe takeoffs... but also for sending the trench data to the excavator. Some of our clients are now using WorkOs for daily trench production.

    Mike Tartaglia