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 Point Cloud Regions - Scan Inspection Scan to Scan

Wayne Bainbridge's profile image
Wayne Bainbridge posted 04-06-2024 04:58

In order to carry out a scan to scan inspection, I need 2 point cloud regions.

I have 2No point clouds of the same building measured at intervals.  Visit 1 & Visit 2.

Having imported the V1 (E57) point cloud, I extract buildings classification, which results in a region named: buildings_refined.  I rename this region to V1 Buildings.

Import Visit 2, select this point cloud and rerun the extract classification.  I should end up with default (everything else) V1 Buildings & buildings_refined from V2.  What the software does is amalgamate V1 Buildings with the new buildings_refined, and changes the region name.  So now I have both V1 & V2 buildings classified in one region which I cannot use to compare.

There seems to be a serious software bug or reasoning and logic that I am nor familiar with.

I can try again by toggling off visibility of one V2 cloud, selecting the V1 building's extract and create new region.  I will call this again V1 Buildings.  I will turn off this cloud and turn back on V2 .  Selecting this cloud, I create a new region named V2 Buildings.

Simple yeah, oh no!  Again the software amalgamates V1 Buildings into V2 Buildings and I only have one region named V2 Buildings.

I have managed this before, but it was 3 months ago.  It shouldn't be this difficult.  Any help much appreciated.

Wayne Bainbridge's profile image
Wayne Bainbridge

If I delete the V1 Buildings, the software deletes both my clouds.  TBC I am deleting the region, not the cloud.  This is nuts!  I cannot seem to find any way to create 2 regions from two separate point clouds.  I am going to start over and not classify the point clouds.  Of course then will be comparing blades of grass, not just the buildings.

Wayne Bainbridge's profile image
Wayne Bainbridge

OK I managed pre extract classifications, to create two regions each containing the individual point clouds.  Theoretically I should be able to turn off one cloud, extract, rename the buildings class and redo for the other cloud.  I don't think I'm going to bother, as already spend so much time on this.  I'll run the scan to scan.

ian bissonnette's profile image
ian bissonnette

wayne. been a bit since i have played with points clouds on tbc. so hopefully someone else will also answer. i do remember i had a hell of a time trying to delete anything from a cloud. not sure if you even can. 

i have a feeling that tbc is not able to do what you want how you are trying. similarly you can only run one network adjustment per project. but if you do your extraction in one project then have another project for the second extraction, then export the clouds then you should be able to compare in the second project or even a fresh third one. 

with an advanced license you can also link projects into a master project in a similar fashion. which we played with a little bit, but again found it cumbersome compared to how xref s work in cad. but we also did not use it that much because we have many licenses without this function, so it was awkward in that sense. 

hope this might help a bit. and again. others please confirm what i have said. 

Zach Edwards's profile image
Zach Edwards

I agree that the process is not very intuitive; However, it’s definitely doable if you manage regions properly. After extracting point cloud regions on the first point cloud, I typically create a delete me region for junk. Separately, you can create an “inspection” region (I.e., InsRegion1). after bringing in your second point cloud, extracting regions, then you can create the inspection 2 region.

Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider

Have you manually changed the classification number for your regions?

I ran into a similar issue when playing around with the AI driven classification.

If you manually create a region it inherits the classification number from the source region.

So, although you may have two different region names, they might have the same classification number and that might be the reason why they get combined again.

That happens for instance if you export those regions into a LAS and reimport it. I was preparing a data set for the AI training, had two different regions, but hadn't changed the classification number.

Once I imported the LAS into my test project it did combine the regions into one again.

Wayne Bainbridge's profile image
Wayne Bainbridge

Thanks Gents, I managed to get the job done last weekend and haven't looked since as I was sick of looking at it.  I am going to have another go to see if I can streamline the process, taking on board your comments.  One simple to start fix would be to make it evident which PC regions are on / off.  For now, I'll use this method.  Hint hint Trimble.

Wayne Bainbridge's profile image
Wayne Bainbridge


Changing the classification number is the key.  Rename the region AND change the number to separate the regions.  On this test I did import each visit separately, classified renamed, changed the number then exported to E57.  Reimporting as two already classified clouds.  Created new regions per cloud and run the scan to scan analysis.

This will take a lot less time in 3 months!

Next problem, given a 25mm range to analyse, the colour banding ranges are automatically generated, however they are not optimal.  I would like these in 5mm bands.  Is there any way to change them?


Ronny Schneider's profile image
Ronny Schneider


the color coding is still as bad as it was when I tried it last, a year or so ago. A user definition is not possible. In Access you could do it already back then.

And the legend should show which inspection it belongs to. Because, if you disable one inspection and enable another the legend stays the same, because you can enable multiple inspections simultaneously. You have to manually right click the inspection and toggle the legend to update. You might forget to do that and show the wrong legend. If the name of the inspection would be shown at the top of the legend you'd realize it immediately.