Permissions Overview Project Permissions Permissions for project level functions is defined by the user’s role in the project. By default the creator of a project is assigned as a Project Admin. Once there are other Project Admins in the project, the creator’s role can be changed to a...
Knowledge Center Import or Export ToDos & BCFs Import ToDos Updated Import from BCF Zip Files Updated You can import BCF Zip files by simply uploading the file to your Connect project. After you have uploaded the file, it will be converted into a ToDo and be visible in...
Import or Export ToDos & BCFs Import ToDos Import from BCF Zip Files You can import BCF Zip files by simply uploading the file to your Connect project. After you have uploaded the file, it will be converted into a ToDo and be visible in the ToDos page. Trimble Connect supports the...
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Tracking Tasks with ToDos Use ToDos to assign, track and resolve issues within a project. ToDos can be assigned to a user or a group with a due date when the ToDo needs to be resolved. ToDos are a helpful tool to assign, track and resolve issues with a model. Authoring tools such as Tekla...
Using Search Browser Windows Mobile Connect for Browser Connect for Windows Connect for Mobile Using Search Search can be used to search all projects (also called Global search ) or to search within a project. Clicking on any of the search...